Monday, September 15, 2008

Soy problems...

The OTC soy iso didn't work out so well. I stopped taking them on day 3. For anyone who may be curious why... first of all, I had a major breakout on and around my chin. This led to buying a new lotion which led to an allergic reaction which resulted in a doctor's appointment today to get a ste.roid to reduce the itching/swelling! Nope, I'm not looking my best right now. If that was not bad enough, AF or whatever this is (keep in mind AF was only gone for 2 days) came back with a vengeance. I started doing a little more research and think that all of this can be related to a handful of soy iso! I have officially started thinking in terms of a timeline and plan to finance IVF the past couple of days. My body just doesn't want to cooperate with the TTC naturally plan! Let me think... really need to add something positive here... PC & I declared last Fri. night a "put on pj's/bring home supper/watch a movie" totally relaxing evening & it was a great way to end the week!

1 bytes:

battynurse said...

Sorry about the soy not working and all the associated problems. The PJ's and movie night sounds great.