Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy Blogiversary to Me!

Wow! Really? One year ago I posted "Mac and PC Enter blogworld!" Rewind to one year ago...
Where have I been? I've heard the term 'blog' but never gave it much thought until my never-ending quest to find one more fertility fact led me to another world that I enjoy weaving into my schedule. We are MAC- that's me...and PC- yes, he's Prince Charming, but our names also represent many discussions about who owns the better technological companion. Let's sum up the past four years. Met PC, married within a year and didn't waste any time trying to conceive. As it turns out, my ovaries have decided they will waste all the time they choose... three years without ovulating on my own. In getting to this diagnosis- here's my checklist for those interested: Laparoscopy, check. Clomid, check. Femara, check. Post coital, check. HSG, check. Bloodwork, check. IUI with meds, check. IUI with meds again, check. Herbs, check. Insurance to cover any of this, unfortunately not. And now? Getting second opinions... looking for someone who will say "Let's find out WHY your body doesn't do what it's supposed to!" And PC... Bloodwork, check. Semen analysis, check. Totally supportive and adorable, check! This could be another infertility blog, but I choose instead to make it my online get-away to discuss anything that's on my mind and close to my heart. That may be infertility, but then again- it may not be. To be continued...
Not much has changed in the IF life except that I can add acupuncture to the list and it will soon be 4 years that we've been TTC:[ We did get the second opinion, which was "IVF looks like your best chance"... so we're saving $ and still hoping for a miracle in the mean time. This blog has been therapy... it has allowed me to connect with some incredible women who've been "dealt the same hand" and know, understand & relate to my life in a way that many others cannot. The only people who know this blog exists IRL are PC & one close friend. It's been a safe refuge for my thoughts & a source of encouragement for myself & others... thanks to all who have followed along.

Monday, February 23, 2009

No O

I didn't ovulate. Progesterone= .7 :[

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Last week I went to to pick up some pictures at the 1 hour photo.
Synopsis: Teen 1 and young grandma waiting on pictures, infant in stroller/carrier, with Teen 2 coming up to see the baby.
Teen 1: Where's your baby?
Teen 2: She's with my mom.
Teen 1: What did you name her?
Teen 2: Skylar
Enter Teen 3, worker, who obviously knows Teen 1 and Teen 2--also has a baby at home-- & joins in on the conversation.
Teen 3 to Teen 2: You still with (boyfriend's name)?
Teen 2: No, I heard he's with another Amanda... he seems to like that name. (Laughter) He's got her 3 months pregnant.

Yes, I felt bitter. And a little heartbroken. No need to elaborate...


I still haven't made a decision about the clinical study. I don't have a very good feeling or very bad feeling about it... so I've just done nothing yet.

Yesterday, I went to the OB/GYN to get bloodwork for Day 22 progesterone check. I've blogged about the past 3 cycles being normal-- yeah-- but I gave up on OP.K's a long time ago because of irregular cycles. So, if I am truly having a typical 28 day cycle this test will answer the big question... am I ovulating? I should get the results back on Monday.

The puppies are enjoying some cool new beds we ordered for them... they are the same price as big pillows that quickly become chew toys & nothing more than a big mess. These should last a lot longer. I ordered large & it's so hard to believe that they will barely fit on these in a few months!

Thanks for "listening" out there! Now on to catching up & commenting on some blogs I follow...

Monday, February 9, 2009

Clinical Study Opportunity

A fellow blogger- Thank You TID- told me about a clinical study that I might be eligible to participate in. I've been on the phone with the coordinator today and I do qualify & received a consent form this afternoon. It involves taking C.lomid & using a patch instead of injectables for a 21 day cycle. The benefits- FREE & designed just for women with an.ovulatory cycles. The negative- requires 10 office visits & this is a really hard time of year to be out of work that much, it seems like my cycles are just now regulating- would it be a mistake... trying to think it through. I've asked PC's advice but he can't think past the part that says "must have intercourse for 3x's a week for the duration of the study"... his response: where do we sign up? Here's another part of the study- I could be selected for the control group & it's a gamble that I give up this time for nothing more than sugar pills & lots of blood work. We have to decide pretty quick since the study is taking place right now. Any thoughts?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The S.ex D.iet

Check out this news clip for "in the mood food!" :]