Sunday, April 12, 2009

Meltdown at the Mall

I had a meltdown at the mall last night. It started building up in T.arget when we walked past the baby section and there were two moms-to-be with handheld scanners choosing items for their baby shower registry. Then, somewhere in the middle of B.elks, which was full of babies & toddlers gearing up for E.aster celebrations, I told PC- "take me home!" And I cried when we got to the car and muttered a lot of "it's not fair" and "I'm mad." And he held me. And stopped on the way home for pancakes. Thank you, PC. And it's almost been 4 years now that we've been TTC... every holiday time shouts infertility and last night I felt like shouting back. Enough said?

3 bytes:

Dana said...

I know what you mean. Hearing everyone talk about going easter egg hunting with their kiddos makes me even more sad!!Hugs and Love

battynurse said...

I'm so sorry.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean.