How far along: Weeks 14-27
Symptoms: Pregnancy brain... putting boxed food in the fridge for example, many nightly potty trips, some acid reflux for the first part of the second trimester, stuffy/bloody nose, some swelling in ankles if I'm on my feet for an extended time and oh-so-fun hot flashes for the past couple of weeks! Still... not complaining, just documenting:]
Baby Related Purchases: More yardsale finds... onesies, a wipe warmer, a bumbo seat, baby carrier and some toys. Oh, PC and I also bought the bedding, a simple but sweet brown and blue pattern (below). I finished our registry and there are some groups of friends/co-workers who want to go in on the bigger items (pack-n-play, travel system, etc. woo-hoo!) Grandparents bought the nursery furniture and he already has a closet full of cute clothes thanks to grandma!
Maternity clothes: I hit the jackpot this trimester with being able to go through two tubs of clothes from ladies my size who are done having babies. Pants for $5 and shirts for $3... so I now have a complete fall/winter maternity wardrobe, all for under $100... score!
Sleep: The boppy has been a big help but the trips to the bathroom have never slowed down, bleh. I would say a night with 5 or more hours of sleep would be called a successful night!
Best Moment of the Trimester: Finding out the gender! Feeling him kick and flip around in there!
Strangest Moment: The movement has been strange and so reassuring at the same time.
Movement: Finally, a little each day around week 19 and usually around the same time of the day. From week 20 to the present, the kicks and flutters have been a constant reminder of what a miracle all of this is! I didn't feel him move much the day before a recent doctor's appointment so I left work early to go to the appointment because I (along with PC) was starting to stress out a little. I ate chocolate, laid on my side, drank fruit juice, poked him... and could not get any strong movement. Dr. B6 did an ultrasound and it turned out that the little guy has recently turned completely frank breech and I was feeling less movement with the new position and his longer sleep cycles. Dr. B6 said he has plenty of time to flip back around... let's hope so.
Cravings: Arby's roast beef and curly fries, nectarines and blueberries, mint chocolate klondike bars, captain crunch cereal, and must confess....I've had a cup of coke or sweet tea pretty much every day this trimester.
Gender: BOY
What I miss: Sleeping with PC, but I would feel worse keeping him up through the night...
What I am looking forward to: Completing the nursery and holding him, getting a step closer to a long-time dream every day and it brings tears to my eyes every time I think about it. If only we could decide on a name!!!
Weekly (or Second Trimester) Wisdom: Let people help!
What I miss: Sleeping with PC, but I would feel worse keeping him up through the night...
What I am looking forward to: Completing the nursery and holding him, getting a step closer to a long-time dream every day and it brings tears to my eyes every time I think about it. If only we could decide on a name!!!
Weekly (or Second Trimester) Wisdom: Let people help!
Milestones: Entering the Third Trimester!
Sticky Bun is the size of: As of week 27, he is 2 lbs 3 oz with his head measuring ahead of schedule and his legs measuring behind. The ob/gyn says not to worry and it sounds pretty much like his parents' genes anyway!