Sunday, April 22, 2012

Four Months

Better late than never!  Busy right now is an understatement.
But happy.  And grateful. 

March 10- April 10

Weight- 13 lbs (10-15%ile)
Height- 25 1/2" (70-75%ile)
Clothing- 3 months, some 3-6 months
Diapers- size 1
Hair- ??? Not much left to even make a prediction!
Eyes- Very Blue
Feeding- Every 2 1/2- 3 hours, longer stretches at night
Sleeping- you wake up twice and usually go right back to sleep at night, and maybe 2-3 hours during the day
Favorites- outdoors, t.v.
Firsts- Easter, trip to the mall

Things to remember:
You have really started "talking" a lot... sometimes nicely and sometimes with attitude!  I really wish we could translate everything you are telling us!  
I keep waiting on a giggle or a laugh.  Dad and I got one good giggle when we were playing with you on the back porch, but other than that, your giggles come out as cute squeals.   
You found your feet one day this month while sitting in the Bumbo.  You reached out and grabbed them and then moved on to something else more interesting.
You are still drooling a lot and making us think that you are going to be an early teether. 
You still love the piano gym and have started swatting at the toys more than kicking this month.  
You are still smiling all the time... until we pull out the camera!
Your birthmark is about the size of a pencil eraser now.   We are in the rapid growth phase for the next several months and then it will start to slowly get smaller and fade.
 You have so much fun in the bath, splashing and kicking around little squirt toys. 
You do not just like t.v., you love it!  Dad and I are getting so tired of cartoons already... we are going to have to come up with a t.v. time plan or else you will one day want to watch it all day long.
You really enjoy outdoors, it has been unseasonably warm and we have taken you on many walks around the house and hung out on the back porch.  You won't even cry with a wet diaper if you are outside!
You have started to fight sleep during the day, so afraid to miss out on something.  I have a feeling you will hate nap time and I can't say your dad and I blame you- we hated naps too.  
You are holding your head up now with little or no support... good enough for the Jumperoo and you love it, for 10 minute stretches anyway! 
You have grown SO much this month, you now have a tummy fat roll and chubby legs.
Easter Day, pants were a little big but still so cute!
You snore! 
You are hot-natured in a major way.  We have found out that keeping you as close to naked as possible keeps you happy.  I never thought I would be a mom who let her child go barefoot... until I had a baby who hates socks & shoes!  Never say never!
I thought I was clear about this mom... "I hate shoes!"
We went to the mall and you were great, either sleeping or staring at all the colors. 
To PC- You are busted staring dreamily at all those cool Mac gadgets.  And that baby you're pushing around, he's already trying to use my MacBook. Yep, just accept :]  
Can't wait to see what adventures await us next month!  Love you so much sweet baby boy!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Working, Growing, Pumping, Teething... Oh My!

I have a rare moment this evening because baby boy wore himself out with all of the attention and new toys he got today and has went to sleep early.  After washing pump parts, I couldn't wait to say hello and send out an update in the blogosphere.  I am reading on my phone when I get a chance, but I have been terrible at commenting:[  I really want to make time somewhere in the schedule for blogging because it is therapy, whether it's IF or new mom related... I need this place!

Working- it is hard, and I don't want to come across like I'm whining about it since there are so many who would love to have a job these days, but I am just struggling to get enough done there where I don't have to bring it here.  This sounds crazy but I would really like to get a promotion with more pay because that would open more doors such as the possibility of PC staying home.  I feel like I could actually handle longer hours and a bigger workload if PC was able to take care of all things home and baby.  That plan would at least be 2 years in the making since we would have to attack some major debt first.    

Growing- wow, is our little guy growing!  The next update will be one for a four month old.  Craziness!  I will fill that post with updates but I can't wait to find out his weight and length this Friday at his four month check-up.  First, those crazy doctors had to do a weight follow-up visit to make sure I wasn't starving him and now they will probably tell me he's eating too much lol.  I am going to ask them about starting H. on his first food- avocados.  Here's the website I've been using the most to research about introducing solids-  I know that six months is generally regarded as a better time to introduce baby to solids but all babies are different and H. shows signs of being ready for a little something more.  I will let you all know how it goes of course!

Pumping- I'm getting ready to transition to exclusive pumping with the exception of night time feedings.  For whatever reason, H. is frustrated with the ladies.  Maybe because he gets more bottles now that I'm back at work and nursing requires more effort... not sure... but I can enjoy bonding with him just as much by looking into those baby blues and holding his hand while he takes a bottle:]  I feel grateful, especially after talking to so many friends and co-workers, that we have been able to nurse this long.  He will still get as much breastmilk as possible as long as I'm pumping and producing.

Teething- It's happening.  Already.  The biggest clue is the bulging white blistery-looking places on his bottom gum but other signs are sucking on hands (or anything), drooling everywhere, pulling at ear/scratching head, some coughing and issues with nursing/taking the pacifier.  We haven't resorted to any infant pain relievers at this point but I would love to know of any teething product recommendations!
That reminds me... someone recommended the nosefrida when I mentioned that the bulb syringes were not working for us and we could not do without it!  I have had intentions of doing a blog post just devoted to that little handy tool and haven't made the time.  If you have a little one with a stuffy nose and the bulb doesn't work... look it up and keep an open mind because it is SO worth the relief it gives to a stuffed up baby!

I'll end with the picture of our little "bunny" from today.  We had this "My First Easter" outfit for fun and another one for dressing up. 

Yesterday marked one year that I got the call from the RE's office and our lives forever changed.  It is my favorite blog post besides the day we brought our little miracle home.