Still trying to survive May here! Keeping up with blog peeps the best I can mostly with my iphone but it is really hard to comment so I have some catch up to do! A lot of posts lately are about baby #2... whether that baby is here or about to be, or whether that baby has just been discovered or TTC plans are in the works.
I have to admit something. I've had a bit of a pity party lately. PC and I both agree -strongly- on closing the door of infertility treatments and the physical, emotional and financial toll that comes along with it. But it just sucks to think that those cards were dealt to me and, if I had a normal reproductive system, who knows... we also might also be talking about baby #2.
Then I am quickly brought to the reality of going through an IVF that produced very few follicles and only two good eggs, one of which became a dream come true. And I'm annoyed that I had a pity party in the first place. I am so happy. I am so in love with our LB and we are having a blast. I am also just being honest and having to go through a kind of "letting go" phase. Guess what? Yep... infertility still sucks!!!
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