I'm not listing symptoms below. Rather, I think that a combination of estrogen+progesterone+occupied mind is just causing some out of the ordinary mental/health/emotional changes here lately.
Sleep! I'm back to sleeping with PC:] By that, I mean that since the week of retrieval I have been camped out on the couch. Around that time I was going to the bathroom 4-5 times during the night. I don't know if it was enlarged ovarian area pressing on the bladder or what, but PC is a light sleeper and was waking up each time so I moved to the couch. Last night I moved back into our bed since I'm down to one trip a night and I slept so hard but not hard enough because I remember my...
Crazy Dreams! I've been having some weird dreams but last night took the prize. I went on a date to a water park with M.ike R.owe from D.irty J.obs! I woke up laughing when I rememebered! PC didn't think it was too funny but I told him not to worry, I hate water parks! The last thing I watched last night was P.awn S.tars so I'm surprised I wasn't at the shooting range or eating KFC with C.humlee! At least these weird dreams have been funny, which is better than the alternative!
Appetite! I can only hope estrogen and/or progresterone lead to an increased appetite because otherwise I am in trouble. I'm hungry when I wake up, hungry before I go to sleep and most other times of the day as well. Another reason to hope that this works... pregnancy is a much better excuse for weight gain!
The 2WW is still moving slowly along but I'm trying to line up distractions for the rest of the week. We go back to the RE on Thursday to check my P4 level. I guess that's to see if the shots in the backside are producing enough progesterone? I was on valium and PC picked the time for this appointment, so we'll be leaving to get my blood checked at 5:30 a.m. Arrggghhh! WAIT, I was griping to PC about that as I typed and he said "we can leave at 5:45 a.m." That makes it all better.
Reading back over this, I guess you can add moody to this list although I don't really want to admit it.
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