Tuesday, July 14, 2009

1st appt. with new ob-gyn, surgery next week!

Very interesting appointment to get a second opinion of my crazy cycles with Dr. B., a young ob gyn who I found by typing in "best ob gyn in (city)." BTW- he asked how I found him and I told him just that. He laughed & said that was nice to know and I told him to go home and "google himself." Seemed like it took away some tension and made it much easier to chat after that. He really did have several great reviews from patients and I just had a good feeling. He was very easy to talk to and I liked his "straight talk." For example, he said "so you've been to a couple other ob gyn's --- what would you like from me--- what's the goal" and I responded "regulate my cycles, help me ovulate, and getting pregnant would just be icing on the cake." I was there for 3 hours and the end treatment plan includes 2 months of birth control and a diagnostic lap next week for Dr. B to repeat several procedures I had done in my early IF testing days... HSG, hysteroscopy (or however that's spelled), remove any endo... won't be my first rodeo but it's strange to think about it all being done in one visit. Although I (hopefully) won't be aware of anything going on! Embarrassing moment today- he orderd some blood work and the nurse said "you don't get sick or pass out do you?" and I said, with much confidence, "oh, that's mind over matter- no, I've had this done a time or two" and guess what? The nerve "rolled" with the needle & it really hurt and I started thinking about it and I came seconds away from passing out AND threw up! Serves me right for the "mind over matter" overly confident attitude. Something interesting is that Dr. B can do IUI's in the ob-gyn... and he says it is less expensive than through the RE. Sounds good to me! After we go through 2 months of bc, he wants a chance to try Cl.omid again with u/s monitoring. He acted like he was up for the challenge so I'm optimistic that this is going to be the start of something really good:]

Thursday, July 9, 2009


I've been a MIA blogger more than usual lately. Just a lot going on...

*Taking progesterone right now because AF lasted 30+days. It makes me overly emotional & mean... so you trade one set of problems for another, I guess.

*The house is coming along fast. The walls are up and the roof is going on. I'll post a pic soon. We wrote our first two checks today for appliances. There are so many decisions to make! We have two unique (for lack of a better word) features in our basement... a urinal & a dog wash. PC is also looking for a wood stove. So the man & fur babies in my life are happy. My "wish list" feature... Just take a guess at how much one of these "spa systems" costs... way more than our budget I can assure you. Doesn't it look heavenly though? I mean, it's something I would use & enjoy every single day. I've been scouting C.raigslist & E.bay but no such luck. Still, no harm in wishing!

*Speaking of fur babies, Apple is in heat. I've been reading about it, but guess what... here's one time that all of the infertility research comes in handy. I actually understand what's going on with her and hope she has better luck than me in another year or so if we decide to let her have one litter of little Golden puppies. If we do, it's not for any money. It would be to find a happy, healthy stud & keep the breed going. Anyway, poor girl. Maybe I should share my progesterone!

*New OB/GYN visit next week... there are some issues that I would like to discuss and have checked out before we start the IVF process. Namely, the never ending cycles, high estrogen levels, adeno.myosis... for starters.

*Helped a friend with a wedding a couple of weeks ago and have spent some time editing several of the pictures. I've discovered that you don't have to be that great of a photographer if you can make up for it with editing. So, I've been experimenting with p.hotoshop and it's something that I enjoy. Here's a few that I thought turned out cute... yes, their dog was in the wedding but not a problem for a fellow dog lover:]

*I want to catch up with everyone & comment very soon!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

S-mall T-own U.S.A.

You know you live in the country when... this police report is posted in the local paper & it's what people are getting a chuckle out of as the topic for the late night "front porch" chat. (Only after the much more serious chat about the passing of MJ... we're not that far behind times).

Moral of the story below... If you wouldn't do it at W.almart, don't do it!!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What's bad about...

some time off from work? Channel surfing & ... skip T.LC, skip T.LC... darn it--- why am I so drawn to A Bab.y Stor.y? How about An In.fertile Story? And they pay for all of the procedures to help the couple achieve a pregnancy... I finally might qualify for a reality show! Mac and PC... Let's Make it 3 :]

BTW... AF from h*ll is still here. 21 days & it is cramping (literally) my summer fun. I have an appt. with a new OB/GYN in 3 weeks if I can make it!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Same Blog, No Baby...

I recently revisited the infamous blogroll from SQ&SPJ and had mixed feelings to be surrounded by so many fellow female factor bloggers who are pregnant or parenting. My feelings were all over the place but consisted of (in no particular order)... "Yeah for these women! I wonder how many were IVF/adoption...etc. How long have they been trying? This should give me hope. What if it's just not in our future? I want all of these blogs to get the (P) status." And it's one of those moments where all I could feel was that our status is just a big fat (?)