Sunday, September 16, 2012

Where did the baby go?

When I was a little girl, one of my favorite L.ittle G.olden B.ooks was Where Did the Baby Go?  I have somehow held on to it and it now sits on LB's shelf.  It's a story about a little girl who finds a picture of a baby and asks her mom where she can find this baby.  She looks around the house and finally tries on a hat, smiles in the mirror and realizes that she is the baby in the picture.
 I have thought about that book several times recently because I have been asking the same question!

Where did the baby go that once laid in the crib and looked so tiny?

Now we have lowered the mattress because our little baby started turning the monitors on and off!

Where did the baby go that was so excited about seeing a ball?

Now we are running to grab cords and "save him" when he gets stuck behind furniture from chasing a ball!

Where did the baby go that used to ride around in his car seat in the stroller caddy?

Now he looks like such a big boy riding around in a shopping cart!

Where did the baby go with the gummy grin?

Now he has a grin with 3.5 teeth!  (side note:  .5 front tooth has been m.e.a.n :( and please excuse the rice cake crumbs) 

Where did the baby go that had to have pillows under his feet in the Jumperoo?

Now his feet easily touch the ground!

Where did the baby go that needed me the entire bath time?  

Now he needs lots of play time without me (although I am cheering from less than 1 foot away)!

Wow, it feels like LB is growing and changing so much that it won't be long until we are getting ready for school!

Geez, mom!  Quit being so sentimental... I like doing big boy things!  
And some expressions never change:] 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Crazy good times

Life.  Feels so upside down right now but is overflowing with memories that will last a lifetime!  For example, I wanted to check in with the blog world tonight (finally) and post a picture or two, which led to a massive search for my iPhone.  I called it from our land line.  I heard the hum but couldn't figure out for the life of me where it was coming from... until... wait... no, surely I did not...  Um, yes, I did.

See that front pocket of LB's lunch/milk tote?  The front pocket would be the location of my "5 hours in the fridge smart phone" with a dumb baby brain owner!  It's okay, feel free to laugh along with me.

PC (already in the bed) heard me laughing so I proceed to tell him what happened.  His response, "that's not really good for your phone."  Um, babe, do you really think it was intentional?

I had another post in mind but I spent too much time looking for my phone and then defrosting it.  

Crazy good times... how are you all doing? :]

Monday, August 13, 2012

Memorable Moment Monday

I am covered up with returning to work and August/May are the two months of the year that I am stressed to the max with work obligations... but thank goodness that I did not miss this yesterday...
those feet are blurry because they are moving and so is LB!  We have a crawl/slither/scoot-er in the house and I just know that he is going to get faster and go further every day now!  Must make time soon for baby-proofing!  By the way, that train is LB's favorite and PC and I frequently have the following tune stuck in our heads "Riding on the train, come and ride with me.  Let's look out the window to see what we can see."  Frequently as in all the time.  Fun times:] 

Monday, July 30, 2012

Memorable Moment Monday

Special on aisle 12!  I understand baby boy.  T.arget wears me out too! :]

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Who is 40 today?

One of the coolest, cutest dad's on the blog block IMO:]  
40 has never looked better.  
I love you.
 Happy Birthday PC!