Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Icebreaker=Heartbreaker Game!

This morning I had to attend a meeting with other people in the county where I live who do the same work as me. The presenter started with an icebreaker game. Name 2 truths about yourself & 1 lie and the group has to decide which is the lie. Mrs. H read "I love to run" "I love to swim" "I am pregnant". And her (lie) was "I am pregnant." I know Mrs. H's background. She has 3 kids (boy & boy/girl twins) through IVF & we've talked about it. We have the same insurance so I asked if she had advice about financing IVF & she was very honest & said "my husband's family paid for it or I couldn't have done it." She's really nice & I think her anovulation is due to how much she exercises.... this girl is like super woman... no hard feelings about her 2 truths & a lie. The heartbreaker came next. The presenter said "you know I was having a hard time once and someone told me... no matter what kind of hard time you're having... it could be worse... you could be pregnant." Laughter followed. Wow. That comment hit hard. Rewind to my life 4 years ago... I may have joined in the laughter. I didn't laugh this morning. It was a reminder to me about the power of words & thinking before speaking... you never know what the person next to you is experiencing. It could be worse... you could try for over 3 years and not be pregnant!

1 bytes:

JJ said...

Umm not a cool comment...it sends shivers down my spine when I hear something so incredibly insensitive. Some people just dont think...