AF finally decided to leave after 12 days... yeah! In the IF world, I'm just coasting. Still saving $ for IVF and doing acupuncture every 6 weeks. After the meltdown at the mall a few weeks ago, I've experienced a peace... not a certainty or uncertainty that we will or will not have a baby... just a time of enjoying everyday life moments & not letting IF consume all of my thoughts. An example of a few of those moments---
1. My mom's birthday party a couple of weeks ago- she loves being the life of the party (wish I was more like her in that way) and she was so joyful & thankful over the flowers & gifts that she received... it was fun.
2. Planting a garden last weekend- it was hard work- I was tired, sore, & sunburned- but it makes me smile to see those little plants doing well & excited to think about sharing fresh vegetables... it was an accomplishment.
3. PC and I went on a pre-summer drive around a lake & had dinner at a quaint little pizza place... it was sweet.
4. Apple took off with a bag of seeds from the garden planting and before I could catch her, she scattered seeds all over the backyard & even though I yelled "bad dog"... it was funny!
Maybe some may think I'm not aggressive or passionate enough about having a baby. Believe me, it is at the top of my wish list. But in the mean time, I want to soak in life's moments regardless of what our future holds.
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4 hours ago
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I think it's nice to give yourself a break and enjoy life. When you want something so desperately it's hard to not let it soak into every aspect of life so treasure the times of "freedom".
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