Friday, June 12, 2009

Time for a new OB/GYN

AF came back after 3 days "off" and hasn't let up yet. Okay- enough is enough. Time to find a new OB/GYN and ask what the heck is going on with me! Seriously, this is crazy. If they recommend BCP's I'm ready to give in... for a month or two at least so that I can have some sense of normalcy. I don't know what test hasn't been done on me, but I'm game for whatever might help. Grrrrrrr!

1 bytes:

Paula Keller said...

CUTE blog! I love the Miss Mac and Mr PC thing!

Sorry about the wonky periods.

I skimmed older posts. We did a bundled IVF package deal. Ours was 26,500 for 4 fresh cycles and unlimited frozens. It did not include the meds, which usually runs us around 2 grand (fresh, frozens MUCH cheaper). Nor did it include the anesthesia or cryopreservation. At this point, I think we may have already gotten our monies worth, but you never know. Hopefully you'll be one of those lucky girls who gets it on the first try!