Three's a charm, right? Well, I hope I just had my last D&C! And laparoscopy...and hysteroscopy...and the really-long-name fallopian tubes test. The actual surgery went well. The worst part was the IV, which took the nurse two long & painful tries. Dr. B6... that's the blog name I've given him because I feel like he's going to be a good dose of B6 for me... energy & encouragement... was great. At first I thought that it was strange that I had just met this new Dr. & was scheduled for surgery, but then I'm the one showing up at his office asking for help and he's not wasting any time to help me. Now, he's had an up close and personal visit with my ovaries & surrounding areas and has a better idea of what's going on. So far, here's what I know- My left tube is blocked:[ Right one is great:] No endometriosis... yeah! Some scar tissue on the lining of the uterus... waiting for test results on that. I haven't had a chance to go over all of this with Dr. B6 yet. He shared all of this with PC, but PC got a little light headed when he brought out some of the procedure pictures so there could be some additional details. I have a follow-up appointment in two weeks. Poor PC. He said he was trying to listen & pretend the pictures of my insides were cala.mari, good intentions--but he still got sick. On the recovery homefront, he's been wonderful and supportive bringing me warm socks & even sharing the remote. The worst part after this surgery is getting rid of the painful CO2 gas and that means putting all lady-like-ness aside & celebrating any passing of gas in any form. Lovely, huh?
So, what's ahead? Another month of BCPs and then Dr. B6 is going to do a clo.mid cycle with u/s monitoring & an IUI. I'm ready!
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