Tuesday, June 26, 2012

To the Storage Totes

Dear storage totes,

To the clear tote- you hold tiny little onesies, outfits, hats and sleepers.  The tags say "newborn."  Most of them were gifts and I would sort, wash and stare at them time and time again while waiting until the day they could be used.  Then LB arrived and I loved using each and every piece- from the sleepers to keep him warm and cozy to the Christmas outfit that made our newborn look like such a little man.  You contain memories that will forever be treasured.     

To the blue tote- you hold sizes 0-3 & 3-6 months.  These pieces represent many special firsts- from smiles and rolling over to holidays and trips adventures! LB was so cute in the P.olo outfit that matched dad and the sleeper with duck feet!  You are full of onesies that my hot-natured little guy loved to wear alone as the days got warmer.  I can't believe you are full already, which means that my LB is growing up way too fast.  

I am just not ready to part with a single piece.  I wanted to be sure you were aware of these precious  clothes stories you hold.  You represent a dream come true!   

6 bytes:

Jos said...

Ugh, I have everything stuffed in one huge tote right now, and I can't bring myself to go through it all. It just seems so crazy that she is too big for it all!!

Bridget said...

Filling those totes is so hard!!

Stephanie said...

Love this! It is so true those totes hold very important memories.

E and R said...

Love this post! It is oh, so true! Those totes hold memories and evidence of dreams come true.

Julee said...

I have been packing away clothes in totes too! It made me really sad to pack away all those clothes I had looked at for so long before she got here! I think I am up to 3 or 4 full totes now! ha!

Melissa G said...

Is it lame that I am crying in my office right now? It feels like tomorrow we'll be crying about the storage bins that holds their things when they go away to college!

*Sniff, Sniff*

I completely understand.