Showing posts with label apple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label apple. Show all posts

Sunday, April 5, 2009

IF Thoughts & Dog Tired

In the IF world- no news is not good news. Still doing acupuncture & saving for IVF later this year. I signed up for a Y.oga class this summer. (Really serious about the Learning to Relax... see previous post!) Blogger buddies "around me" are getting BFP's with IVF a lot here lately. I'm truly happy for each and every one of them. Most of them with twins! In fact, I feel more happiness for people I've never met through blog world than I do when a co-worker or someone else I know IRL announces a pregnancy. For me, it's kind've like you're in a race and (it seems) many have a path free of obstacles and cross the finish line with little effort... and then there are those that are alongside me and there is obstacle after obstacle put in our path & you want them to finish as much as you do for yourself! And all the while-- the clock keeps ticking louder:[ Does that make sense? Anyway, I don't follow a ton of blogs--seem to gravitate more towards those who have some commonalities aside from IF-- those with similar female problem history, pet lovers, educators, type A organizers-- but I've cheered and cried here for several cyber sisters & only wish them the family they so desire whether it happens through adoption or fertility treatments that result in BFP's!

And to end on a funny note & hence the title of this post, PC & I took Apple & Charlie camping this weekend. Apple was so tired that she fell asleep while I was rubbing her belly. I moved back & thought for sure she would move... but she stayed that way for nearly 30 minutes! I have never seen anything quite like it! PC held the lantern over her while I snapped a picture with his cell phone. Guess she had all the fun she could take! See for yourself... what could she be dreaming about???

Saturday, January 17, 2009

On the homefront...

AF came and went this month without too much drama- good sign. Acupuncture yesterday... Dr. C. said that I seem pretty healthy but try to keep eating/drinking foods at room temperature... I posted about that earlier... how that helps my spleen which is connected with IF.
Hmmm... what else? It has been so cold! PC got me some toe warmers to put inside my shoes when I have to be outside for 20-30 minutes every morning for work purposes- those things are g-r-e-a-t! Can I say that I'm ready for summer yet?
The puppies are growing rapidly and their personalities are starting to come out strong. Apple has developed an un-healthy obsession with PC's laser pointer- which she now thinks is the pilot light inside our small gas heater...that she sits and stares at... how much is dog therapy!?!
At church this morning, we sat two seats away from a baby with the sweetest, angelic face. Honestly, she could be a twin of S.uri C.ruise. Regardless of whether or not I'm a fan of the actors, they have a beautiful baby. This little one stared at PC and I this morning... I wasn't sad or angry or bitter or jealous (today anyway)... just thankful that she's a happy, healthy baby & hopeful that we will have a turn.
That's about all except that PC and I are getting quotes from different home builders... we want to take advantage of lower interest rates, but it seems like such an unsettling time for that kind of financial commitment. At least the quotes are free & it gives us some options. A new house with more space surely will be a place for our family to grow:]

Friday, December 26, 2008

Happy NEW Year!

I can't believe 3 weeks have went by so fast! I hope everyone enjoyed Christmas! We enjoyed the time with family & friends but it just seemed like everything happened too soon this year. I promise that I will not post an Apple picture on every single blog, but this is just too darn cute...

PC and I have decided one puppy is not enough. We're looking for a companion/playmate for her and think we've found him, but it will be after the new year before we find out for sure. We're crazy, right? Did I mention that, if it works out, the combined weight from these 2 furry friends in a couple of years could be as much as 225 lbs.? That's a lot of love (& poop)!!!

In IF (no) news... I broke a promise to myself last week. I told myself I wouldn't take a preg. test anymore unless I knew without a doubt there was a good chance of a BFP. But... as usual... AF was nowhere to be seen and... as usual... negative. Not ovulating is just cruel... cycles are long so it plays with your mind. This month my paycheck had the automatic deduction for my "12 months to IVF savings plan"... ouch. OR- I'll try to think more positive and hope that it is the future nursery fund if/when we don't need IVF!

I want to be a better blogger this new year... because it helps relieve talk therapy! Since I last posted, I filled in for the boss at work for a week while she had surgery... fun to do that every once in awhile huh? But- whew. The next week was Christmas and all of that busy. Whew. This week I've been in another state in a hotel room (missing PC) getting about 6 hours of sleep a night taking a class to get closer to finishing my degree. Whew is not the word. AF showed up yesterday- witch! To show up on the Day 1 of the new year! Since I need to think more positive- I'll try to see AF as an opportunity.

So, what's the plan for 2009? Make It Count.