Showing posts with label acupuncture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label acupuncture. Show all posts

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Acupuncture- Before IVF

My acupuncture plan throughout IVF is to go once before, during and after the procedures. Today was my before visit. I don't know all the correlations with acupuncture and IVF success rates but my main reason for going is that it relaxes me more than any massage or glass of vino!
It is also always interesting to hear what Dr. C has to say. His main goals for me from this visit were 1. I need to exercise more and "break a sweat" were his exact words and 2. Spread out the multi-vitamins, especially while going through IVF.

About the exercising... he said "you know when someone cuts you off in traffic and your body tenses up? Your body is like that all the time and you need to get rid of some pent of energy." He also said, "I realize you have a job that can be really stressful but you are going to eventually end up with ulcers & gallstones if you don't manage it better." (Lovely, all I could think about was how Cesar Milan imitates the dogs with pent up energy and scolds rehabilitates the owners for not giving them enough exercise). Remember this post? Nothing has changed and I sure don't want to decrease my chances during IVF because of all this extra tension I carry around. So I guess I need to get moving and do that belly & butt busters DVD that I so loathe!!!
Breathe in, breathe out.

The multi-vitamins... I kind've got lost in the explanation but something about how our bodies stop doing what they are meant to do through eating a healthy, balanced diet. PC says it makes sense but I've got to think over that a little more. That's the one habit I'm really good at!
And good news... from the Eastern medicine viewpoint, my hormones appear to be in balance!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

On the homefront...

AF came and went this month without too much drama- good sign. Acupuncture yesterday... Dr. C. said that I seem pretty healthy but try to keep eating/drinking foods at room temperature... I posted about that earlier... how that helps my spleen which is connected with IF.
Hmmm... what else? It has been so cold! PC got me some toe warmers to put inside my shoes when I have to be outside for 20-30 minutes every morning for work purposes- those things are g-r-e-a-t! Can I say that I'm ready for summer yet?
The puppies are growing rapidly and their personalities are starting to come out strong. Apple has developed an un-healthy obsession with PC's laser pointer- which she now thinks is the pilot light inside our small gas heater...that she sits and stares at... how much is dog therapy!?!
At church this morning, we sat two seats away from a baby with the sweetest, angelic face. Honestly, she could be a twin of S.uri C.ruise. Regardless of whether or not I'm a fan of the actors, they have a beautiful baby. This little one stared at PC and I this morning... I wasn't sad or angry or bitter or jealous (today anyway)... just thankful that she's a happy, healthy baby & hopeful that we will have a turn.
That's about all except that PC and I are getting quotes from different home builders... we want to take advantage of lower interest rates, but it seems like such an unsettling time for that kind of financial commitment. At least the quotes are free & it gives us some options. A new house with more space surely will be a place for our family to grow:]

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thankful for...

It seems appropriate to count my blessings on Thanksgiving Day. Those would include a wonderful husband, a loving family, caring friends, having a home, food, clothes- things I'm sure I take for granted, my health (except for the not ovulating!), a job & job security... and the list goes on.
AF showed on Sunday and I'm also thankful that it seems to be -dare I say it- normal. I went for acupuncture last week and told Dr. C about my 1 year to IVF plan. He said "that gives me time to get you in the best health possible for the procedure" but I wished he would have said "hopefully you won't need it by then." SO, I just finished watching a news clip about the the effect of stress on fertility. It talked about women who have high levels of stress have excess cortisol around the brain and could benefit from talk therapy (that doesn't sound cheap). The OB/GYN expert said that these women often have high expectations for themselves. Hmmm.... sounds familiar!
Too tired to blog much tonight... too much turkey! Think I might turn in early although I'm not planning on a big shopping day tomorrow- don't need to add to my stress level!
Happy Thanksgiving out there!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Quick Getaway

Last weekend, PC and I went on a last minute weekend trip about 5 hours from home. We made our plans as we went along. I like those trips... no expectations just make it up as you go! The funniest thing that happened was on the way there... PC kept waiting on the "perfect" place for a bathroom & finally he just took an exit. We passed a Ri.te Aid and I told him there had to be a bathroom in there & he disagreed but was getting desperate! So we went in, made a lap around the store & I've never seen him look so aggravated & walking so fast & I'm still trying to convince myself that every Ri.te Aid has a bathroom- well, they don't. You had to be there, but I couldn't stop laughing... pure funny moment at PC's expense. Then... the payback... so on the way home I have to go & I'm hungry. We stop in a rough-looking part of the country (but we borrowed a GP.S and that was so cool) in a Mc.Donalds. I was fixing a drink & felt something tickly on my leg... the biggest roach I've ever seen ON my leg & I yell and kick it off with my other foot & everyone's seeing this & getting grossed out, including me. Except PC- he gets the laugh. While we were actually at our destination, it was pretty much event-less & relaxing... just what we needed. BTW, went for acupuncture yesterday. I want to continue that while we're not going to the RE right now. I asked Dr. C for an estimate of how long he thought it might take to regulate my cycles and his response was- [for most, anywhere from 6 months to 2 years.] I am seeing progress with acupuncture. Even though I skipped 2 cycles, the past 2 that I've had have been 5-7 days... maybe long for some, but it's improvement to me. OK- I've put it off long enough, supper dishes aren't washing themselves:[ But blogging is much more fun!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

One normal cycle...???

I don't want to jinx anything, but this is the first time in several months that my cycle (minus the ER trip) was less than 6 days! I don't know if BCP or acupuncture played a role, but this has been encouraging. Here's hoping for one normal cycle... it's a start!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Another step closer...

Several things on my mind! First, vacation was wonderful. It was busy
(hint, hint) but it was a much different kind of get-away-from-everything-and-have-fun type of busy. I was content just soaking in the warm temps, people-watching, and holding PC's hand... good food and thrill rides and fireworks were just icing on the cake! When we got back, I had 3 days to complete a 400 page reading log (I did have about half of it done before we left) and a 15 page research paper so the rest of the vacation was spent right here, although a million miles away from blogging!

SO- today was back to routine, but anything but normal. I had my first acupuncture appointment & that's what I really couldn't wait to share! I've had some experience with Eastern medicine and herbs and really enjoyed the book, The Infertility Cure. My mind/heart have gone back and forth-- some things make sense, some seem better left for Western medicine or, even better, Celestial medicine. But today's appointment was convincing and actually more encouraging than most of my IF adventures. The things that this acupuncturist said today just fit with my total state of health. Western medicine diagnosis is anovulation... Eastern medicine diagnosis is poor Spleen Qi. Here's the interesting part of that-- he thinks my reproductive system is right on track (this is a first)-- but the problems have come from my digestive system! That seems like a crazy thought but it really felt like this experience added more pieces to the IF puzzle and is getting me closer to egg + sperm:] More than half of the symptoms of Spleen Qi problems are a definition of me right down to the cold hands and feet. Oh yeah, this explains why I can't remember a thing and my mind never slows down but my body can't catch up (finally, the ultimate excuse). Some may be interested to know about the needles... my tension and fear of the unknown (I think) made the sensation a bit more than it should have been but I would not call it painful. A few slight stings here and there but deeper into the treatment I started to relax and I would compare it to the feeling after a good massage. I do plan on doing it again and following some herbal/diet recommendations. All in all, a positive experience in the depressing world of IF!