Showing posts with label insurance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label insurance. Show all posts

Monday, July 7, 2008

IVF= Internal Vanishing Funds!

Everything is so expensive right now. I need to make extra money through this year to help towards the Mac & PC IVF fund! Our insurance won't pay for any of it:[ My problem is not wanting to change our lifestyle or not wanting to get another job. Yeah, those are big problems when you need additional income. Posting a few things on eB.ay here and there doesn't solve it. We are doing some little things. Like- we're trying to stick to a supper & food budget and downsize where we can. I have this conversation with PC sometimes and he wants to know how I think I can make a lot of money without a lot of effort... I answer "the lott.ery!" But we don't do that either & what are the odds? I really get ticked off when I think about the whole insurance thing. I mean, are they comparing IF procedures to a nose job or tummy tuck!? Do they really understand that putting my feet in stirrups is not a hobby that comes with a saddle? I sent in all of my receipts for IUIs & tried anyway... even wrote a letter! I was still denied but not for lack of trying. Stay tuned to see if I can figure out a creative (but legal) way to finance an IVF cycle:]