Monday, July 7, 2008

IVF= Internal Vanishing Funds!

Everything is so expensive right now. I need to make extra money through this year to help towards the Mac & PC IVF fund! Our insurance won't pay for any of it:[ My problem is not wanting to change our lifestyle or not wanting to get another job. Yeah, those are big problems when you need additional income. Posting a few things on eB.ay here and there doesn't solve it. We are doing some little things. Like- we're trying to stick to a supper & food budget and downsize where we can. I have this conversation with PC sometimes and he wants to know how I think I can make a lot of money without a lot of effort... I answer "the lott.ery!" But we don't do that either & what are the odds? I really get ticked off when I think about the whole insurance thing. I mean, are they comparing IF procedures to a nose job or tummy tuck!? Do they really understand that putting my feet in stirrups is not a hobby that comes with a saddle? I sent in all of my receipts for IUIs & tried anyway... even wrote a letter! I was still denied but not for lack of trying. Stay tuned to see if I can figure out a creative (but legal) way to finance an IVF cycle:]

1 bytes:

Happy said...

No financing ideas, but I can share what we did to afford adoption stuff and my fertility stuff. I have money automatically deducted from my paycheck that goes directly into a saving account. I use ING direct because the money is not easily accessible and has a decent interest rate. I find that I don't notice the 300 I deduct each paycheck.

My fertility stuff isn't coverered, BUT the meds are. Check and see if your insurance covered the meds which can easily add up to a couple thousand dollars. One of the girls in my support group uses her insurance and her husbands insurance. Her insurance covers 15,000 worth of fertility stuff, but no meds, her husbands insurance covers meds. In my case I'm on my husbands insurance and the insurance at my co. doesn't cover any of it.

Did you get the pricing structure from your clinic? At my clinic it actually turned out to be significantly less than I thought it would be (5,575 not including ultrasounds, monitoring, or meds). However, the girls in my support group are paying 15,000! Check out other clinics. I know you've probably created a rapport with your doctor, but a savings is a savings.

Oh, and see if there is a shared risk program at any local clinics.

As for saving money...cut out going out to dinner.

I've left a long monologue and don't know if any of it is helpful. Good luck!