Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Update on summer to-do list

A few weeks ago, I posted my list of goals this summer. Here's an update.
Summer Home Vacation To-Do's
1. Have one yardsale/clean out- Most of the things that didn't sell went to charity so it was good to clean out and give away. But- where I live there's usually yard-sale "regulars" and they were not out that day!
2. Take care of mini- garden This is a first... my mini-garden did TOO good! I planted them a little close and everything grew together! But I had peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers all summer:] I'll try to post a pic.
3. Teach C a new trick I really did try. I made him sit/stay, then walked over a few feet & held up a broomstick for him to jump over... (which he does over logs and tree stumps) but he preferred to run around the broom & wait on his treat. Work in progress...
4. Go to a drive-in movie w/ PC Can check this off the list too... went for a double feature & we didn't like the first one so PC had a good nap, but the second was really good. We're wondering how C would do at the drive in... other people bring their dogs... but they're usually behaving! That might be the next adventure!
5. Go for several country Jeep drives Uh, well- these ended up being more like 4-5 miles around the house drives to save some gas, but nevertheless we had fun!
6. Keep organizing stuff Does one closet count?
7. Make a cookbook from recipes from PC's granny (passed away last year) Made a little progress, but set another goal to have it done by Thanksgiving... yes, I'm going to stick to that deadline!
8. Sleep late Had no problems with this one... except for getting back to normal.
9. Finish 2 grad. classes One week left to finish class #2- whoo-hoo!!! It might be time to start writing the final paper!?
10. Earn x-tra $$$ Sigh. Not really... but I did spend time thinking about how I could spend it!

Right now my goal is just to get rid of AF... STILL here. Oh, the joys of anovulation. My birthday is coming up next month... I would love to have just one normal cycle... too much to ask for???

Friday, July 4, 2008

AF & July 4th... irony!

I have been trying to slow down this summer & soak in the sunshine... putting infertility on the backburner & finding distractions for awhile, even though that's not really possible. I usually have signs that AF is coming... but this one just kind've "boom!" happened today... ironic that it's a day to celebrate freedom but AF (in a sense) takes that away in the world of IF.
So, what happens to me? Why was my last cycle April 13-17 and now July 4 to ??? Obviously, I'm still not ovulating, but is there a chance with each cycle or is my body just not capable of it? Sigh. Too many questions & no one has the answers. I'll call Dr. H on Monday to schedule the day 5 endometrial biopsy and then (I think) there's not many tests left. My RE wants this one done before she'll start an IVF cycle. Even though we're putting that on hold, I'd like to check this test off of "the list."
On a bright note, PC & C and I had a good time taking the Jeep & watching some fireworks near home and spent some time with family on the lake earlier today. Happy 4th!!!