Saturday, January 10, 2009

No place like home!

Yeah- that I'm back home from taking a 2 week class in another state- there's no place like home!!! Laying around on a rainy day with the dual control mattress heater (these are the BEST) turned up on high! We did get another fur baby & "brother" for Apple. You know there will be a picture to come soon! Remember the huge dog, Nana, from P.eter We now own the puppy version:] Our last 4 legged addition to the Mac & PC family for a l-o-n-g time! Both of these breeds love children... sigh. I'm just hoping that it is our time...this year...soon. Must get ready to go... starving & asking PC if we can get Chinese. He says yes, right after we pick up de-wormer stuff. I was hungry. Lovely.

1 bytes:

Chelle said...

AWWW! Congrats on the new furbaby! Can't wait to see a picture!