Long lost blogger here to say "24 weeks today BABY!" I don't have to share the significance of that here... a milestone that we've been waiting on! It feels like, from this point on, I can count each week as another big step forward in getting closer to our little miracle baby.
Maybe we should really start figuring out a name for this little guy!
No time like the present to tell you all why I've been an absent blogger since mid-July and the "name game" is so difficult. I've never really said exactly what my job is here because the purpose of this blog has been so entirely separate from what goes on in my professional life. I also never wanted to risk someone IRL coming across this blog and misinterpreting anything. However, I rarely mention my work here and have no intentions of using this blog for discussing anything that happens at work so I'm not worrying about it anymore! What a blog "mouthful" to say that I'm in the field of education. I've been absent in blog world to get everything prepared for a new school year and then they all showed up! Whew! My job was tiring without being pregnant! That's another reason it's so hard to narrow down the list of names! Every name makes me think "that name belongs to that child" even though I know our child can share a name. (Well, minus those of repeat offenders, lol!) I've had a few little kids point and ask "is that a baby in there?" I just smile and say "yes it is" and go on with business as usual.
Infertility is hard for everyone but for those of us in education, it is especially difficult to give so much of your life to taking care of other people's children every day... and wanting so badly to share some of those experiences as a parent. It was all I could do to hold back the tears at the end of the school year when I was still keeping it a secret that I was pregnant and our Pre-K students sang about saying goodbye to their friends and being ready for Kindergarten. I can't wait for those special moments... with camera and kleenex in hand of course:]
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15 hours ago
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There are so many bloggers who are in the education field! I worked for a school for a while, wearing an administrative hat, and have SO SO SO much respect for all of you who deal with students day in and out. Incredible!
I am SO excited about reaching 'viability'! I told my mom how excited I was and she gave me a terrible look and said, please please keep that baby growing! SHe just didn't understand that this was a HUGE milestone for me in accepting that this might actually result in a baby.
We just had our 25 week ob visit and she started talking about third trimester! oh my gosh, are we already there?
names were hard for us too because I did the same thing. mine wasnt due to education but I havea huge family with lots of cousins so it seems like we have used every name in the book. Our boy name is being shared by a cousin on both my side and my husband but we have been set on it for a while and decided, oh well. Our girls name however will be a first which is nice.
Glad to see a post from you! Good luck with the new school year and with picking a name!!
as a fellow educator, who is exhausted from also starting the school year i can relate!! quite possibly the hardest part of working in a high school for me was being the area in the school where they take the pregnant girls to get their lessons on "motherhood" and birthing.
Can totally agree on the name thing!! There are names that still give shivers up my spine from classes years ago!!
Glad to hear all is well!
I agree with you on the name thing. I really wanted a unique name for my girl, because my son is so not unique. My daughters name is Kinzley and everyone who hears it tells me they love it. I've only recently come across two people who have named their daughter the same, but mine was the first!!
Congrats on meeting such an important milestone! I think every week will start coming faster and faster from here on out. I'm so excited for you, and can't wait to hear some name options :)
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