Thursday, February 21, 2013

This Boy is Busy!

Walking has opened a whole new world for LB... and has us on our toes more than ever!  He is one busy boy and he is into everything and everywhere.  We seriously have to make sure gates are closed and doors are shut or he is out of our sight within seconds and (usually) doing something that makes us nervous!  Below are some snapshots of life lately!

He finds "hiding" places for blocks, toys, cups etc.  The favorite spot is behind the playyard.  I never know what's going to turn up here!

I was just a few feet away and looked up to see this.  Instead of running to grab him, I went for the camera of course!  Needless to say, the step stool is folded away and has a new home for awhile.

He took this basket from one end of the house to the other.  He was on a serious mission! 

See the white baby-proof hook?  It's there to prevent this kind of project but I left the door open and LB  promptly rearranged every pot, pan and lid (and had lots of fun in the process!)

My sweet busy boy! :]

2 bytes:

Sarah said...

Oh boy! I feel your pain! Samantha isnt quite walking yet but is already into EVERYTHING. And it is like boo boo city up in here. Not looking forward to twice the chasing once she starts walking haha

Fiona said...

:) This photos made me smile! It definitely looks like you have a very busy boy on your hands. Lids does the same with putting things in odd places. We keep finding our keys in the fridge!! :/ And toys in the key drawer!