Other people look at LB differently. It's okay! I understand that it stands out. I understand that people want to ask but are not sure what to ask. Sometimes I just start explaining, sometimes I don't. Kids are great- they just come out and say "baby have boo boo" and I tell them "it doesn't hurt, baby is okay and it will go away" and kids are happy with that. Love kids. What I don't understand and frankly what hurts is when a person is getting ready to say "he's a cutie/sweetie/etc" but they stop... and it is obvious. All mamas think their baby is the cutest, sweetest thing...I don't need anyone to say it... I am just taken aback that his hemangioma makes people standoff-ish. He's just a baby with a bump! And I would take him with big bumps, little bumps, red bumps, blue bumps... didn't mean to sound Dr. S.euss here but you get this took-a-long-time-so-thankful-IVF-worked-I-will-keep-him mama's point!
It does make me think. When I see a child who has some kind of scar or birthmark, do I stare or do I smile? I hope that I can always say that I smile and see a precious gift. When I see a child running from his or her parents or shouting, do I think the parents need to have better control or do I have compassion knowing they may have a child with autism or an emotional behavior disorder? I hope that I can have compassion and see a precious gift.
This is from the heart and I appreciate everyone listening. My baby's bump will go away. Some are not so lucky and would gladly trade a hemangioma for what their baby has to go through.
I am beyond grateful. Blessed beyond measure.
I see my precious gift in this child from head to toe, hemangioma, slobber and all:]