Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Thanks for the Mammaries!

Blog title- I digress.  PC said this recently and we totally cracked up.  Blame it on the lack of sleep. 

But it is time for the ladies to go part-time.  Or that's what I am wondering... can the ladies just take over the night shift or is it all or nothing? 

I am proud and thankful for our nearly seven month run.  Not quite long enough to make it on the cover of T.ime magazine, lol, but I am grateful.  I have always had to supplement but have given this baby every ounce of breastmilk possible through pumping and nursing.  It has been a part of bonding with my son but it's just been that, a part.  We enjoy bonding with the "boo" game at the changing table and playing on the blanket in the living room floor just as much!   

Several reasons, but mainly the supply is dwindling since introducing solids and I want to return to work without having to think about the pump, pump parts, storage, nursing bra/pads, etc.         

Side note:  To those who formula fed, breastfed for a shorter/longer amount of time... you are feeding the baby the best way possible for your situation and will not get any judgment here.  Geez, I can't believe people have even felt like they have to justify how they feed their babies.  I've seen some posts lately that have made me cringe!  Feed the baby=healthy baby= it's all good!

I want to see more of this anyway.... 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

What do I see?

When LB was just a couple of weeks old, we noticed what we thought was a scratch.  At his 2 month check-up, the pedi said it could be a scratch or could be a birthmark.  We were confused because he didn't have it "at birth" but we learned that it could be a hemangioma, a collection of blood vessels under the skin.  At the 4 month check-up it was definitely diagnosed as a hemangioma.  It will grow during his first 1-2 years, then "rest," then slowly regress... leaving no scar or indication that it was ever there.  LB has the kind (so far) that will stay closer to the skin while others turn a deeper bruise-like color and form a knot.  We did check into medical options but they are invasive and leave scars... a no brainer for us, we did our research and we will let it do its thing unless it ends up closer to his eye. I do not even consider using on his pictures... it is part of him, it is part of his birth story.  The people who are around him the most- we don't even "see" it anymore.  He's just our sweet LB.      
Other people look at LB differently.  It's okay!  I understand that it stands out.  I understand that people want to ask but are not sure what to ask.  Sometimes I just start explaining, sometimes I don't.  Kids are great- they just come out and say "baby have boo boo" and I tell them "it doesn't hurt, baby is okay and it will go away" and kids are happy with that.  Love kids.  What I don't understand and frankly what hurts is when a person is getting ready to say "he's a cutie/sweetie/etc" but they stop... and it is obvious.  All mamas think their baby is the cutest, sweetest thing...I don't need anyone to say it... I am just taken aback that his hemangioma makes people standoff-ish.  He's just a baby with a bump!  And I would take him with big bumps, little bumps, red bumps, blue bumps...  didn't mean to sound Dr. S.euss here but you get this took-a-long-time-so-thankful-IVF-worked-I-will-keep-him mama's point! 
It does make me think.  When I see a child who has some kind of scar or birthmark, do I stare or do I smile?  I hope that I can always say that I smile and see a precious gift.  When I see a child running from his or her parents or shouting, do I think the parents need to have better control or do I have compassion knowing they may have a child with autism or an emotional behavior disorder?  I hope that I can have compassion and see a precious gift. 

This is from the heart and I appreciate everyone listening.  My baby's bump will go away.  Some are not so lucky and would gladly trade a hemangioma for what their baby has to go through.

I am beyond grateful. Blessed beyond measure.
  I see my precious gift in this child from head to toe, hemangioma, slobber and all:]  


Monday, July 2, 2012

Memorable Moment Monday

Done with the appetizer!  Where's the Beef?  :]

Linking to PAIL's MMM and a good picture to go along with my last post and to say thanks so much for the baby food advice!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Baby Food

LB has been on solids since 4 months... a little rice cereal at first, then some avocado.  Since then, a typical day consists of oatmeal in the morning and a veggie/fruit at both lunch and dinner.  He gets between 15-20 ounces of breastmilk and/or formula total.  The pedi said that is a little on the low side but it sounds like we have a "snacker" who is more content getting a little bit throughout the day.  I try to give him milk before the solids and after but when he knocks it out of my hand I get the point. But that's not where I want to go with this post.  I am looking for input about what "real" things to give LB.  I have given him sweet potato and avocado and the rest is baby food.  Baby food is real, but you know what I mean... "fresh" I guess is the better word. 

Beyond sweet potato and avocado, I'm out of ideas.  No bananas because of the constipation issues.  I should say here that baby led weaning makes sense to me but it just doesn't work out for our lifestyle right now (aka not enough time to clean afterwards & eating mostly junk!) 

Today, I embarked on cooking and freezing some squash.  If you think that I will show "pretty" pictures and say this was easy and fun, you will be disappointed.  My pics will not make it to p.interest lol.  This was hard, messy work and kudos to those that get this done with a little one!
 Basically, I washed the squash, cut it in halves, scooped out the insides, put in the oven face down in some water for 40 minutes, then scooped out the meat and put it in some small freezer containers.  I left out the puree step because it came out really mashed up anyway but that was included in the directions I used.  Whew!  I am looking for some easy ways to whip up some fresh fruit/veggies!

Washed, sliced and scooped out

In the pan before I added water

Done, scooped out the insides and placed in the containers for freezing

Well?  Maybe I like it... maybe not, let me think about it!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

First Set of Wheels

Despite repeated efforts and encouragement from his parents...
Our LB refuses to roll from back to front, to sit up on his own, to scoot, to hold a cup or to sleep through the night.
But, Boy Oh Boy, can he RUN!!!
Ah bab bab uh uh da, excuse me, I've been corrected.  LB says "this is serious driving mom!" Lol.