Sunday, August 24, 2008

Nature & Nurture

Nature- PC and I enjoyed some time outdoors this weekend. There is a hint of fall in the air and we took advantage of it. We walked/climbed (I trudged) up 1000+ steps to see the view below, standing on a scary bridge. It was worth it to enjoy something so beautiful. Along the way I realized that one thing I love about PC is his attention to details when it comes to anything nature... "look at how that rock wall is formed" "look this way & you can see --- mountains" "this is where the old railroad used to be" "parts of --- movie was filmed here." I'm so out of shape that I'm thinking about "how much longer is it until we're back" but really it's an especially charming quality:]

Nurture- What is UP? AF finally went away, after 18 long days on Wednesday. Friday afternoon- shows up again!!! On & off now all weekend. I have an acupuncture appt. this week... & I'm going to tell him I'm in desperate need of ying/yang... chi... or whatever can bring some balance to this body! While we're not going to an RE, I would like to have the chance to try naturally... but the whole ovulation/egg release is not working out! I can't eat at a Chi.nese restaurant without seeing "Egg D.rop S.oup" and thinking... if only it were that easy!

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