Monday, October 20, 2008

Moving Forward

The past 10 days have definitely stunk. But things are looking up. AF stopped without medical intervention and I'm on to ovulation test sticks for the next couple of weeks. Trying to eat healthier, continue with acc.upuncture and keep praying. I tried the BBT charting-- it was all over the place. If I had to take a look at my history & put the pieces together, I (think) anovulation for me is a result of hormonal imabalance. I think my estrogen levels rise & the progresterone never kicks in. I wish there was an easy fix! I don't know what the next few months hold for us in terms of IF treatment. It feels like we're at an indefinite standstill. I do have an appt. in two weeks with a new ob/gyn. Maybe she'll have some ideas about where to go next. Losing "C" was a shock. He made our lives so much richer & I will be thinking about ways to turn this tragedy into an opportunity. PC is my rock through everything!

2 bytes:

Anonymous said...

I found you via Lost and Found and wanted to let you know I'm sorry to hear about the loss of C. We finally created our family through adoption, but during IF I lost 2 dogs and was devastated. Pets really do bring light to a tough journey and I'm sure you brought happiness to C when he was with you.

Take care

Happy said...

I'm so sorry about C.