Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Boy or Girl?

Wish we knew!  Arrrghhhh!  I have admiration for those of you who wait and want it to be a surprise!  I don't want to wait any longer but this little one is not about to unlock those legs despite all the pushing and pleading Dr. B6 was doing today!  The cord was wrapped in the middle area too so that further blocked any kind of "money shot."  SO... I called around this afternoon to find a place that does 3D/4D ultrasounds/gender scans and I asked them to work me in asap!  At this point, I'm willing to pay to find out pink or blue.  Any advice out there?  Should I drink a forbidden coke?  What can I do to get this little guy/girl moving around in there?!?  To be continued...

9 bytes:

Nink said...

Your day sounds JUST like mine!!!!!!! I had my big gender reveal appt. today, too, but the little bugger refused to cooperate!!!!!!! My dr. is having me come back in 2 weeks. I didn't want to pay extra for a 3D ultrasound place. Good luck! :)

Miss Mac said...

I'm just going for the gender scan which is only $35 but I would give them a tip if they could tell me! I'm going to get prices for the 3D/4D while I'm there but will wait until the third trimester for that one, if we decide to do it. Not even born and being difficult, lol!

marilyn said...

oh no!! that stinks!!! How much are those 3d scans! Maybe it is a blessing in disguise..this way you find out the gender and you get an amazing picture and view of your little one. Wait..how many months are you now?

Baby Hopes said...

I'm so sorry your little one isn't cooperating! Can't wait to find out!!!

Just Us & A Miracle Baby too! said...

Just letting you know, I've heard from friends 4D isn't worth it, before 26 weeks, and they actually tell the gender looking through normal 3D ultra sound. I'm doing that same exact thing if I don't find out today. That being said, you are the second person that has told me the baby was modest and stubborn! AH!

I'm going to eat a banana before I go in, so far I have done that every time, and baby has been crazy active at all my ultrasounds! (also adding in the OJ you recommended)

A m a n d a said...

That must have been so hard! Especially after getting your hopes up for an answer. Hopefully they can get you in soon!

My guess is girl :)

manymanymoons said...

That is so frustrating. You must be going insane!!

Jen said...

How frustrating! Hope you get your answer soon!

Heather said...

Wow! I'm feeling for you! I could never wait either, but we've never had them not cooperate. Hang in there. I'm waiting to find out the verdict.