Saturday, October 29, 2011

Birth Plans?

I really don't have a birth plan all written out and rehearsed in my mind.  However, with 6 weeks to go, I have started to think about what my ideal labor & delivery would be like.  I do not have the "only going all natural" mindset at this point... wish I did.  Being older and TTC for so long, I've heard all kinds of birth stories and I don't want to feel like I'm letting myself & the baby down if I totally have my mind set and it doesn't go that way.  I have been reading about Hypno.birthing and a lot of the theory and techniques just make sense.  My interpretation is that it's a way of "tricking" your mind and achieving a state of relaxation to reduce stress and tension that make labor pain more intense.  It also talks about letting your body and baby do what they are meant to do and using positive talk like instead of "d*mn you, contraction" the talk would be more "this surge will bring me closer to meeting my baby!"  I would have a hard time turning off the anxiety and mind-racing thoughts to get to the point of relaxation that the book describes... but it sounds so good and I'd love to try!  I do have some things in mind that I would/would not like for the birth experience and plan on talking through some of these things with the ob/gyn on the next visit.

I would like to...
  • be free to walk, sit, stand, jump or whatever feels right during labor
  • have ice chips or small snacks
I would not like to...
  • be strapped to IVs or machines with limited movement
  • be induced or given pitocin unless absolutely necessary
Epidural? It brings on a lot of 'what ifs' but -again- no definite mindset of yes or no.
I have already prepared my parents, close family and friends that I do not want them there until the baby is born.  My reasoning?  It's the one time I want to be able to be selfish... to totally focus on the baby instead of being distracted by worrying about others being comfortable or feeling guilty that they are not in the room with me.  Everyone except my mom is good with that plan.  Hopefully she'll come around.
The point of my post is to document my thoughts about the way I'd like to introduce our little one to the world but I will take ANY way that means getting him here safely.  That's the ultimate goal:]  

On another note, I am SO excited about so much good news with several IF blog sisters here lately.  Births & BFP's... doesn't get any better!

5 bytes:

marilyn said...

6 weeks! It is just around the corner. Yes..the book sounds good. I heard using a medicine ball is very helpful. And running hot water in a shower. My friend just did it naturally...but I am fine with the drugs.

Jos said...

Hopefully your Mom will come around, indeed. If not, I'm glad you're doing what feels right for YOU and YOUR baby!! :)

Baby Hopes said...

Six weeks!!! So exciting!!! That is so incredibly amazing!!! :) Yay!!! We are completely writing out a birthing plan. I love your desire to keep it simple to that you're not disappointed or overly anxious. I do hope your mom comes around. I can completely understand that desire - my middle sister is the same way and it makes complete sense. Wishing you the best as you go over this with your OB!!!

Heather said...

Good luck. I hope you have a fantastic birth you'll remember happily forever. I will say I have three fabulous births and for none of them did I need an epidural, although I reserved the right to have one, LOL! I did need to be on IVs and pitocin for both, but I was able to relax and breathe through the contractions knowing they were doing their job. Have a great time!

Kerrik said...

Yay, 6 more weeks for us both!!

I'm using a similar technique called Hypnobabies. It is like Hypnobirthing, but it actually gives you more information, and more control over your hypnosis and pain relief. My understanding of both methods, is that you are basically programming your brain to be able to release natural endorphins on cue as well as what you said about allowing your body to just do what it innately knows how to do, by releasing any fear or tension and not holding anything back.

I really like HypnoBabies so far, especially the way I become instantly relaxed when I turn on any of the cds -- my mind has become "programmed" to respond to the cds in a certain way, and I really think that (plus my HypnoBabies doula) will help me during my labor.

The other nice thing, is that my husband has different scripts and cues that he can practice with me, and I think it is slowly helping him to feel more comfortable with the labor process and to see that he has a very real role to play.

If you are at all interested in learning more about HypnoBabies and want to chat, you can send me a message.
