October 10- November 10 (not quite finished with monthly pic yet)
Weight- Guessing 18 1/2 lbs
Height- Guessing around 28"
Clothing- started in 9 months and transitioned to 12 months
Diapers- size 3
Hair- Blonde
Eyes- Blue
Feeding- Between 25- 30 ounces of formula, combination of baby food and solids
Sleeping- 2-3 hour stretches, waking around 6 a.m. for the day, yep. (I have high hopes of posting something different here next month!)
Favorites- ball, z.any z.oo, any game of chase, music (listening, not dancing), T.homas the Train
Firsts- high school football game, pulling up and standing, steps, presidential election, Halloween
This month more than ever you were such a little boy rather than a baby. It was really a month of big stuff! Where do I begin?
Grandma taught you to stick your feet up during diaper changes when she says "let me smell your feet." Of course, she says "shoo-wee" and you either think it's funny or crazy, not sure which. I hate to say but they really can be smelly! Speaking of your feet, they are really chunky! We finally found a pair of shoes that you can't- or don't- pull off. They are a 3 1/2 wide with latches from S.tride R.ite. The sales lady took one look at your feet and said "he is going to always need a wide." Lol. I adore your smelly, fat feet!
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First real shoes! |
Boy, you love a ball and always have. So that's our first birthday theme, All Stars... a post for next month and I don't want to think about that yet. You will roll a ball all over the house and chase it as long as someone will follow you around.
You have gotten better with eating solids but I can't say that you're a good eater when it comes to trying new things. The foods you eat pretty consistently are avocados, sweet potatoes, green beans, grilled chicken, applesauce and (sometimes) bread. We've tried lots of other things but you spit out and then toss in the floor what you don't like after one try. Not so cute:[ You eat solids in small bites on your high chair tray or on a placemat at the table. Plates and bowls are useless. You pick them up and turn them over as fast as you can. (You have always liked to look at the bottom of things, what is that about?!?) And I know this is not a smart move, but you love a straw with some sweet tea or cherry coke zero every now and then. I also found out that you get a teaspoon of coffee every Tuesday morning, compliments of a passed on tradition says your grandpa B.
First Halloween- We only made it to grandparent's houses and you started out cranky but you ended up smiley and looked so cute as our little slugger!
I could write so much about all of the things you are doing now but time is very limited so a list of other fun 11 month things is just going to have to do!
You are picking up your paci and putting it in your mouth, with attitude.
You love to play with the door stoppers!
Nothing makes you laugh out loud more than a game of chase with mom or dad and the word "boo!"
You LOVE hiking, thank you dad's back!
You love to copy our sounds and (attempt to copy) some words. You have said three words consistently since you could put sounds together, in this order- hey, ma-ma, da-da and mmmm (when eating and you like something). When we ask you "how do the doggies go" you respond with heavy breathing and it is so funny.
Six teeth, four on the top and two on the bottom!
You love to crawl over things and look back at us like "did you see that?"
You do great in stores and restaurants as long as it is short trips. I don't think you could be a whole day shopper but you enjoy an evening trip out.
You turn the lights off from your diaper changing table and point to them when they come on. You are mesmerized by lights. I can't imagine how a Christmas tree is going to last long!
You are starting to get what "no" means and it sure does hurt your feelings. It's for your own good, I promise!
Two overnights this month at grandma's. The plan is for you to spend the night there once a month on Sunday night when I am out of work on Monday so I can pick you up after your morning nap. I make big plans to get stuff done during this time while she spoils you rotten. You get to sleep in her comfy bed and evidently she spends most of the night watching you sleep and feeling your diaper ready to change it if you wet. The first night, she forgot to take her cell to bed so I spent about 45 minutes trying to get an update and I was MAD when I finally got a response. Oh, gosh I was at the point of panic and had sent her a text of every letter of the alphabet trying to get her to respond. She was genuinely sorry and (I think) learned... if you want the baby back again, you will keep your phone close by!
We took family pictures this month. During your nap time and I forgot your afternoon feeding. Um, how does one forget to feed their child? Nevertheless, you held out pretty good and she got one shot that totally melts my heart. I have ordered it in a large print for the living room. I will finish this post with that print. We love you so very much sweet boy!!!
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So nice to hear an update about this gorgeous little guy!! :) It sounds like he is doing very well. Wow, look at him taking steps. What a clever guy. I just love that last photo of him. No wonder you are getting a large print of it!!
He's such a cutie! That sounds like a nice, solid food list. I wish my daughter was consistent in what she eats--I never know what will end up on the floor!
He is solo cute!!!
He sure looks like a big boy in that swing!
Oh my goodness! I LOVED reading every word! What a handsome and SMART little man! Walking and talking?!?!? It hardly seems believable! Oh, and I would absolutely be freaking out as well if she were overnight with gma and I wasn't getting updates! ;) So sweet!
That Halloween outfit is AWESOME. I wish we had thought of that!
Stella is usually in a 4.5 right now b/c the 3s/4s do NOT fit on her fat little feet. I don't know if they're extra wide, but they're definitely fat (and even her calves are fat - I can't zip up most boots! *LOL*)
Loved reading the update,and I ADORE your new header pic!
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