Lots of thoughts that I would like to put in ten different posts but I struggle to get one in these days, so... in no particular order:
1. Debt Diet- both words should make the "four letter" word list! Ugh! PC and I have both determined we must buckle down and get our debt down to our mortgage and my college loans--- fast. That means paying off a couple of small loans and two credit cards--- fast. We both have jobs- good news these days, but we have both taken pay cuts- not so good.
2. The ALI group that met IRL- so cool. I got teary eyed looking at all those little miracles together and thinking about how everyone in that group just "gets it." When is the party moving way down South? :]
3. Ordered some invitations for LB's first birthday. omg. Even though it's going to be a small family deal, I can't believe that it's so close and it's for our baby!!! Pinch me because it doesn't seem real!
4. Halloween
5. It's really okay with me that I have a mini-PC in every way except I was so hoping LB would not get the picky eater habits. I know it's still early in the solids-introducing phase but it is not looking good. PC could eat goldfish crackers for every meal and it looks like the same is true for LB and puffs. Sigh.
6. Sleep- I don't know where to even begin so this just needs to be a post in the near future.
7. Even though I've had this blog for years, I don't think I've kept up with how to improve it's functionality (is that a word?) so I'm asking for any tips to make it easier to read and comment to your blogs. As it is now, I read blogs from links on my sidebar or links from comments. Is there a better way? Blog reader? And is there an easier way to add blogs? I have to copy/paste the link to my sidebar from my settings. Why when I click on "follow" does it just not add that blog? Sorry, virtually challenged.
8-10. I've ran out of time for more thoughts and that is typical these days. I feel like I am always running without any "me" time. I'm not talking about a bath with a book, I'm talking about a shower with enough time to shave! I'm adding this to the #6 post- to be continued!
2 hours ago
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You are a genius! This is the kind of post I should have done. Because I have so many things I've been thinking about posting and haven't gotten around to!
LOVE your little guy in his costume. So stinkin' cute!
And amen on the shower front. I have to take a second shower at night in order to get my legs done, sigh. :)
Oh he is so adorable!
I follow blogs through blogger's feed. I 'add' a blog then my feed tells me when there are new posts??
What a cutie!!!!
I will go to a blog and copy the URL and then go to blogger homepage and click on Add and then paste the URL. When I hit follow it doesn't work sometimes either.
Once you add them, you can go to blogger and it will have a feed that sorts them by recency!
1) We are working on the same thing right now. Have about $3k left in total and then we'll just have our mortgage left. I can't wait!!
2) The meet-up was super fun!! I'd love to meet you someday. Email me where you live and I'll add your city to my watch list for flights. I'm serious! Would love for Stells to meet her betrothed anyway. ;-)
3) OMG. I haven't even thought about this yet. SHIT SHIT SHIT.
4) What an adorable little slugger. LOVE!
5) Stells goes in little phases - give him a few choices at every meal and don't make a big deal of what he does/does not choose to eat each time. Try to put each item in mini tupperware containers if he's still not interested - ex. grapes in one, avocado slices in one, cheese pieces in one, shredded chicken in one...Stells loves picking stuff out of containers.
6) Ugh. Write a post. We'll see if we have any advice. I got the most comments I've ever gotten on my sleep post if you want to go back and read to see if anything helps you!
7) Use Google reader to follow blogs - http://google.com/reader
If you're adding a blogger blog, you can just click the "follow" button along the top bar when you're reading their blog. If you're reading a wordpress or other blog, then copy/paste the url (i.e. "mycheapversionoftherapy.com") and then either go to your "reader" screen, click the SUBSCRIBE button, and paste the URL into it. OR, go to blogger.com -- click on the "ADD" button under "Reading List" - and you can add it that way. Then whenever someone posts something new, it will show up in your reader. You can also access google reader from any smart phone, which is nice (though not as easy to comment from).
Also, remove the CATCHPA requirement from commenting on your blog. It's seriously hard to get right anymore (takes me multiple times) and at least for me, when I DISallowed anonymous comments and turned off the comment CATCHPA requirement, I never got any spam and it was much easier for ppl to comment on my blog.
Good luck!
Ah, first birthdays. that was so hard on me!
In regards to blog maintenance, I would suggest moving to Wordpress. It is so easy to manage!
Isn't it awesome that so many of the PAIL ladies met up? I wish I could have been there!! How south are you? I would love to do a meet up with everyone next time but I am so far away!!
Can't believe our little ones are almost a year old!! Eek. I am not ready for this. They grow up so quickly.
Love his adorable baseball outfit!! He looks like such a little boy... not a baby!
Hope we can help when you share more about the sleep issues!
I think Josey has explained a better blog reading way. I am not the best person to ask... still trying to figure it all out! :/
Was great to hear from you and get a bulleted update of life!! :)
What an adorable Halloween photo! Such a little boy already. :)
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