Saturday, March 19, 2011

Wait Eight!

IVF #1- Latest u/s and b/w for day 9 of stims:
E2- 543
Left Ovary- 2-13mm, 2-11mm, 2-9mm
Right Ovary- 1-14mm, 1-20mm

My thoughts... eight is better than the three we had a few days ago.  But my fear is that some are going to be too mature and some are not going to have enough time to mature before retrieval!  I need the ones on the right to slow down and the ones on the left to speed up.  Oh, this process is so out of my control and that makes for a frustrated me.  The Lupron should force that 20mm to wait, right? Are there usually any empty follicles?  I promise, I'm not sitting here biting my nails or pacing back and forth.  My feet are propped up and I'm enjoying the sunshine today... but these racing thoughts always make their way to the blog!

There has been a bright spot in all of this.  The RE clinic is a 1 1/2 to 2 hour drive each way and PC has rearranged his work schedule so that he can be with me at every appointment.  We've left by 6:00 a.m. for most appointments and have both been back to work by 10:30 a.m.  This time together has been fun considering the circumstances.  I never knew PC could do a R.eba Mc.Entire impression until this morning when we were arguing (nicely) over the radio stations.  We both turned and looked at a couple we were passing (no particular reason) and they both looked at us and it was a "had to be there" funny moment.  We've shared some laughs and some choice words on these drives and it has just been time for me to realize how lucky and blessed I am to have him as a partner in all things life.

We're getting so close.............................

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Few Good Eggs

First Follicle check today:
E2- 225
Left Ovary- 3 Follies at 6, 8, 11
Right Ovary- 2 Follies at 14

I was bummed when the u/s technician said "three good sized follies" but Nurse LLD called and said that I should not be discouraged.  She said to remember that it only takes one good egg.  Umm... I told her we need a few good eggs and a few more back-up good eggs!  She also said that day 6 of stims is still early (really?) and things could completely change by my next ultrasound (Friday).  I hope she's right... I need some more follicles to show up to this party!!!

She also told me, "no more menopur."  I have quit trying to ask so many questions or understand the protocol at this point.  Just do as told.  I was not a fan of Menopur anyway.  It stinks that any leftover meds can't be sold or given to the RE clinic to help another couple.  As far as I know, my RE uses any donated meds for injection training purposes only.  I'm hoping this morning was my last ever rendezvous with Menopur.

Other exciting news... tentative dates:
March 20- Trigger
March 22- Retrieval
March 25- Transfer
March 26- Mac and PC's wedding anniversary- 6 years!  Need I tell you what I'm wishing for?  :]  

Monday, March 14, 2011

Dreams, Reality, and back to Dreams!

My dreams for the guest room were more like this...

than this...
but hopefully the "clinic" will be transformed over the next several months and dreams of a nursery can become a reality.  Maybe I thought the beach towel on the table would bring me happy thoughts while I'm cursing the Menopur sting!

Speaking of dreams, I've had at least two dreams recently that involved me taking care of babies, but neither of them were mine.  That has bothered me.  One was a baby boy who had a green cast on his left arm... clearly that should have been PC's child, lol.  The other was a toddler aged girl who I loved but knew I was just baby-sitting.  I guess it sounds silly but I just think having one dream about a child that I know is ours would give me more hope and a reason to keep moving forward in the IF journey.

Well, guess this will have to do for a Monday blog post because it's time for the evening visit to the clinic.  This is day 4 of stims and I have my first check-up appointment in the morning.  I'm a little worried because, with the exception of a few twinges, I haven't really felt anything going on in the ovary area.  I was hoping for some type of growing pains!  

Hope everyone has a great week!   

Friday, March 11, 2011

Let's make this a Fertile Friday!

Nurse LLD e-mailed this morning to say "stims are a GO."  So, I ran home and (45 minutes later) had my first stim injection done (hence the post title) and yeah, BABY:]  One down and 19 more to go!  It was my first time mixing 4 vials so I didn't quite get the syringe filled up to the right mark.  I told Nurse LLD and, in her true -tell it like it is fashion- she said "Well, get it right the next time!"  I'm trying!  It did sting but I was pinching myself so hard that I think it was pain from multiple sources.  However, the 30g needle wasn't too bad even though I wouldn't call any needles "good."  In honor of day 1 of stims, I'm going to buy this bag... because I have a bag obsession and because I'm going through IVF, do I need another reason?  If this does work, it will turn into my hospital bag.  If this doesn't work, it will turn into my get away bag! 
P.S.  I think day 5 and day 10 of stims is also reason enough for a gift to self, although we're still on the debt diet so it may have to be something small to go IN the bag.  No problem.   

**Hope to catch up with everyone in blog world this weekend... I've been reading but not commenting as much as I would like.  I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!**     

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

PIO- Needles?

Has anyone seen this youtube clip where this girl uses a 25g needle instead of a 22g to do her PIO shot?   She has me convinced that it's fine to use a smaller needle!  It's sad that I'm worried about those shots and I haven't started stims yet!  

Anyone who had the Bravelle/Menopur protocol, what size needle(s) did you use for the injection?  Did you always use your abdomen for an injection site?  Did ice help with any stinging?  Anything else I should know?     

Sorry that this is TMI but Lupron is really interfering with regular-ness in the bathroom.  It's just not happening!  I guess I should be thankful that I'm not having headaches or hot flashes, right?!?  Arrgghhh!