Has anyone seen this youtube clip where this girl uses a 25g needle instead of a 22g to do her PIO shot? She has me convinced that it's fine to use a smaller needle! It's sad that I'm worried about those shots and I haven't started stims yet!
Anyone who had the Bravelle/Menopur protocol, what size needle(s) did you use for the injection? Did you always use your abdomen for an injection site? Did ice help with any stinging? Anything else I should know?
Sorry that this is TMI but Lupron is really interfering with regular-ness in the bathroom. It's just not happening! I guess I should be thankful that I'm not having headaches or hot flashes, right?!? Arrgghhh!
10 hours ago
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I'm using a 25g needle for my PIO and it's working fine. I don't see any reason you couldn't use a 25g. As for the Menopur, I believe it was a 27 or 28g--quite small. I injected in my abdomen--one drug per side (I did Follistim and Menopur)--and switched which drug was on each side every day. That worked pretty well, and my abdomen really only started to feel abused right before the trigger (which was day 10 of stims).
Good luck!
My pharmacy gave me 22g for my PIO so I will try it and see how it goes before I ask for a smaller one. For my Menopur I have 27g and 30g. I used it with my last IUI and it burns! The only thing that helped was injecting it really really slowly. I am not sure what size needle comes with my follistim pen. I always use my abdomen, I rotate around my belly button in a smile pattern. Does that make sense? Basically I start on one side of my BB and then work my over to the other side skipping the top area. It worked well for my IUI's.
PIO--I used a 27g and Emla numbing cream (a Rx lidocaine cream) that I would leave on for a bit under saran wrap b/4 the shot. To help the oil go thru the smaller diameter needle, I ran it under warm water for a bit (not the whole vial, just the syringe of med). I also used a warm water bottle on the area afterwards to help the medicine disperse. I never had lumps, but I will say that parts of my butt were numb months after doing this for 12 weeks--b/c of the shots or b/c of the emla? Not sure, but not that big a deal at all. DISCLAIMER--these were my ideas for a combo of blog tips, not my docs, but my prog levels were sky high so I know I was still getting the job done.
Stim meds--I tried ice the first time. Made it hurt far far worse. I used the smallest I could find--like a 28 or 29 (if that exists) and I think a 30 or 32 that came with my follistim pen. I only used my abdomen but circulated from upper right to upper left to lower right to lower left each time.
Also, as for the TMI--the PIO will make this worse so deal with it now! Get on something daily (fiber, whatever) and consider an en.ema if you've let it go too long and need to reset yourself (just drink extra b/c the fluid lose you'll experience). Of course, clear all this with your doc first.
Hang in there.
:( Sorry about the needles. They scare me... and I just have the little F.ollitism pen needle to contend with.
On TMI (honestly... everything in the world of IF borders on TMI... thankfully, we're all well accustomed to it!): I have a very, very finicky digestive system. My OBGYN cleared me for Mirolax daily use, as did my RE (it had been prescribed by my gastro doc). I would clear it with yours just to be sure, but all of my docs said it's an inert substance that goes straight to your digestive system and has no bearing at all on what goes on in the reproductive system. I think it's more effective than Benefiber and less invasive than other options. Good luck!
I'm not sure which gauge needle I'm using for the PIO shots, but I'm mildly panicked about them in the general.
Oh, and as to your Lurpon induced irregularity, yea I got that one too. I don't know if it is wise but I've add an almost daily stool softener to my regular dousing of Metamucil. It seems to be helping a bit. Also, I'm thinking of switching my prenatal multi to one without iron.
Strike that...just checked the box and they are 22G needles, damn.
Why didn't someone tell me I could use a smaller needle for PIO??? Thankfully today is my last one- YAY!!
For my donor embryo FET's I used the 25ga needles and they were definitely less painful going in, but my poor husband would get hand cramps pushing the oil out (I couldn't get up the nerve to do it myself). We even warmed the oil first, but it still just comes out really, really slow. It's not all bad that it comes out slowly, though. It actually made for less painful lumps, as the oil could disperse as it was injected. I also warmed the injection area afterwards.
I haven't tried any stims yet, so I'm no help there.
Good luck!
I am completely needle phobic. My needle was 25g I think, and so long as my husband paid attention to what he was doing I could barely feel it.
Lupron will do that to you. Or so I hear. When I was on it, it was the complete opposite. But I have IBS, so it really just flared up my IBS, I think.
The PIO needles look scary, but they're not too bad, really. My big tip for the PIO--get the bottle of PIO warmed up to body temperature before putting it in the syringe. It makes it easier to load and easier to inject. I just put it in my bra for an hour before DH does the injection.
LOL to Kim's tip above... I would have plenty of room for that! DH does not do so well with needles so I will have to have a plan B! Thanks for all of the advice!
Excellent questions... and even better answers.
I thought that the folistem needle was smaller than the one we are using for the Menopur, which is 27 1/2 gauge. I've been letting the needle find its way into my skin, not really forcing it. The sting has been when I am pushing the meds in, and going slower seems to help. The Menopur definitely has a residual burn that heat seems to help. I've been doing the injections in my thighs. I tried in my tummy one night but didn't like the way it burned. I just feel like I have that extra tummy fat to absorb it better, but don't think I'll do it again there.
I made my husband do the injections the first two nights but did them both myself last night. He still helped prep the meds for me.
Good Luck!
wow..this is a way more positive video than the last one I saw. I watched a girl get all nervous about it. It took her about 10 minutes to gain the courage to do it. That seemed more realistic to me. But this girl makes it look so easy! Still. this kind of suck to have to do this!
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