Monday, July 30, 2012

Memorable Moment Monday

Special on aisle 12!  I understand baby boy.  T.arget wears me out too! :]

7 bytes:

Stephanie said...

Oh my, he looks so comfy! I'd fall asleep too if someone was pushing me around in a cart, ha! I swear, everyone posts pictures of their babies sleeping on the beach, in the park, stroller, kid is too worried she'll miss something so she NEVER sleeps unless she's in her bed.

Jos said...

LOL - great pic! I laid Stells across the front part of the cart at Target once, but she was so young that she actually fit all sprawled out. Your little man is getting so big!

Fiona said...

haha this is so cute and actually looks very comfy for a shopping cart. I wish someone would push me around Target! ;)

Mrs. Gamgee said...

So cute! When Ginny does stuff like that it's so she can reach the glass jar of saurkraut on the shelf behind me. Yup, that really happened. :)

AS said...

This is just extremely, exceedingly cute.

Anonymous said...

oh I just love it!!! I wish someone would push me around target!

Courtney said...

That is too cute! I can't believe he fell asleep like that!