Tuesday, November 18, 2008

No Baby Blues

Why does it seem that I sail through some weeks without letting infertility consume my thoughts and then some weeks it constantly hits me right in the face? I'll call it a "no baby- blues" week. I smiled through a baby shower. Everywhere I turned someone was very pregnant or talking about a pregnancy. Everything on television... books...radio... you know what I mean. However, PC & I finally decided on a timeline & a plan, which gives me a new sense of hope & determination. For one year, we're putting back enough $$ to cover almost all of an IVF procedure. In one sense, that seems like such a long time away and then, in another, the past 3 years have flown by so what will one more hurt? PC irritated me a little when he said "so you'll do all the doctor says to do months before IVF?" Um, easier said than done. In this journey, I have tried a lot of things... different foods, herbs, ov tests... etc. and, no, I don't always stick with every thing just like PC still enjoys biking & hot tubs... two things on the "no" list when TTC. I've come to this realization- eat as healthy as possible, keep doing acupuncture (it makes me feel better), recognize & reduce stress as much as possible, take a daily vitamin, laugh, blog... those things I can do consistently. And those things, with faith & prayer, will do more for preparing my mind & body than anything from a book or doctor! In the mean time, TTC natural won't hurt anything:]

3 bytes:

Heather said...

Good luck! Sounds like you know what you need to do to get prepared for IVF. Low stress and eating as healthy as you can but enjoying life is the best route to be prepared.

Anonymous said...

You got it! Just general good health is all you can do. TTC is stressful enough. If you deny yourself all the items that you use to destress will that really help? You still have to live and it's hard to balance the good and the forbidden things like coffee or wine. Ugh!!!

battynurse said...

Good luck. I hope that the funds for this are easily saved. I also second the general good health.
Sorry about the no baby blues week. I know I've noticed that I get like that when the bellies and babies get overwhelming. Seeing one here or there is ok, seeing many everywhere starts to feel like you are surrounded by fertiles.