Saturday, January 31, 2009

AF- A Blessing & A Curse

AF showed today. This is both a blessing & a curse. A blessing because it came right on- dare I say it- schedule. If you knew my history, this is progress! My cycles are never predictable. In fact, I've had cycles to last as long as 45 days... yep, you read that right- and cycles that have to be induced through meds. This makes 3 in a row that have seemed- knock, knock on wood- normal! My IF diagnosis is anovulation and the biggest indicator of that is irregular cycles so... this is is a good sign, I think. And a curse- well, because it means "not this time." I'm hoping that being off De.po Pro.vera for more than 5 years, acupuncture, trying (key word) to eat healthier, controlling stress as much as possible & prayer are all working together to get my body to do what it's supposed to!

OH- & pet therapy. When I'm loving on these two, I'm not thinking about IF! Apple is going through the awkward teenage stage:] And our Newfie, we'll call him Dell in blogworld, is already three times as big as when we brought him home! Truly, he's going to be a "gentle giant!"

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Just a thought or two about IF couples

PC and I often observed through RE visits that IF couples seem to have commonalities beyond the fact that we're all struggling to start a family. Through the blog experience, I believe this is even more true. Many IF couples [seem to] be committed to their work. In the RE waiting room, many have their laptops or cell phones close by or seem to be making mental to-do lists. Readers. Not just in a waiting room-- bloggers frequently refer to things they have read or recommend different books. Pet lovers. The obvious may be that we've got a lot of love to share & these are our "fur babies"--- but I think many had these pets before the IF struggle & God knew we'd need these special friends along the way. I'm describing this post to PC and he says "and we're all good looking" he..he.. but I get what I think he's saying... clean cut. Like I asked PC once at the RE... does every guy in here have on khaki pants & a white shirt? Does more work= more stress= contributes to IF in some form? ...
(Quick experiment... I went to my RE website & this is the image that says "Infertility 101") This sounds like a research proposal, but it's just a random observation/thought. Anyway- I follow some amazing couples at home & through blogger who
will be
awesome parents!

**Today is the 25th anniversary of Macintosh- and they keep getting cooler:]
**How does everyone do a strike-through on a word in a post... is it a shortcut on the keyboard or why can't I figure that out?

Saturday, January 17, 2009

On the homefront...

AF came and went this month without too much drama- good sign. Acupuncture yesterday... Dr. C. said that I seem pretty healthy but try to keep eating/drinking foods at room temperature... I posted about that earlier... how that helps my spleen which is connected with IF.
Hmmm... what else? It has been so cold! PC got me some toe warmers to put inside my shoes when I have to be outside for 20-30 minutes every morning for work purposes- those things are g-r-e-a-t! Can I say that I'm ready for summer yet?
The puppies are growing rapidly and their personalities are starting to come out strong. Apple has developed an un-healthy obsession with PC's laser pointer- which she now thinks is the pilot light inside our small gas heater...that she sits and stares at... how much is dog therapy!?!
At church this morning, we sat two seats away from a baby with the sweetest, angelic face. Honestly, she could be a twin of S.uri C.ruise. Regardless of whether or not I'm a fan of the actors, they have a beautiful baby. This little one stared at PC and I this morning... I wasn't sad or angry or bitter or jealous (today anyway)... just thankful that she's a happy, healthy baby & hopeful that we will have a turn.
That's about all except that PC and I are getting quotes from different home builders... we want to take advantage of lower interest rates, but it seems like such an unsettling time for that kind of financial commitment. At least the quotes are free & it gives us some options. A new house with more space surely will be a place for our family to grow:]

Monday, January 12, 2009

Best Buddies

Our fur baby family is now complete. Now, if we could just work on the other...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

No place like home!

Yeah- that I'm back home from taking a 2 week class in another state- there's no place like home!!! Laying around on a rainy day with the dual control mattress heater (these are the BEST) turned up on high! We did get another fur baby & "brother" for Apple. You know there will be a picture to come soon! Remember the huge dog, Nana, from P.eter We now own the puppy version:] Our last 4 legged addition to the Mac & PC family for a l-o-n-g time! Both of these breeds love children... sigh. I'm just hoping that it is our time...this year...soon. Must get ready to go... starving & asking PC if we can get Chinese. He says yes, right after we pick up de-wormer stuff. I was hungry. Lovely.