Sunday, January 27, 2013

SOS- Survival Week

Not going to post a "Simplifying on Sunday" goal list this week because, in addition to a 50 hour work week ahead, we have three evenings with stuff going on:[  Instead, it will just be a survival week as we end the month of January.  Is that crazy... seems like a month that usually goes by slowly just flew!  This time last year I was half-way into my maternity leave and spending my days snuggling up with a newborn.  Time I will forever cherish that went by way too fast.  Oh how I wish we had the Canada one year maternity leave plan!   

In other news...
This weekend LB officially started walking.  Yay.... I think:]  He had started taking steps around 11 months but then something happened and the kid went on a walking strike.  Anytime we would let go of his hands, he would sit.  If we tried to get him to stand back up and he was on to our game, he would buckle his legs.  I don't know what was up with that... maybe because he had a few hard tumbles... anyway, this weekend he decided it was time.  It is quite a sight to behold because 1- that's my baby walking and 2- he holds both hands out in front of him like a mummy.  Eh, we'll work on that later! 

Off to get some things done for this crazy busy week... hope it's a great one for all of you!!!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Total Random-ness

  • An IRL friend told me about the i.Period app that keeps record of anything and everything related to AF.  For anyone TTC, it has a fertility component that's really good.   
  • It's a sleet/ice day here in the Southeast and that means everyone loaded up on bread & milk yesterday and schools were closed today in order to survive the winter storm.  Let me brace myself to step out on the front porch to show you a winter storm in the southeast.  Cracks me up...

  • I'm not complaining about the winter storm because my view right now is my sweet boys enjoying an afternoon nap while I'm cozy on the couch getting to blog about random-ness.  Nice.  (PC is somewhere under that blanket.)

  • We made the move to the Stage 2 car seat this week and went with the Brita.x Marathon.  LB likes it but I need to read a little more about it because it just doesn't feel as secure as I think it should feel or maybe it's because he looks smaller in the bigger seat.  We're going to keep him rear facing for a few more months or as long as we can height-wise.   

  • This 20 seconds caught on video keeps making me laugh.  We'll call it Operation Paci Rescue!

Monday, January 21, 2013

First Haircut

I held out as long as I could but when LB's baby mullet started curling under and hair started covering his ears, it was time. I just didn't like the thought of cutting my baby boy's first year hair! Yet another first to remind me that we are cruising on to the toddler years faster than I would like.  However, it was not any kind of sad occasion or emotional meltdown (for mom).  Instead I broke out in a sweat trying to figure out how to distract him while PC held him because he kept trying to squirm away from the scissors (which I would probably do too).  Thank you iPhone and some app where cars & trucks make noises. Wish I had gotten better pictures but things were a little chaotic at the time!  In fact, this was just before he squirmed again and PC yelled at me "bring back the phone!"  Good times.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Simplifying on Sunday

Well, I didn't cross everything off the list last week but having a plan was helpful and a step in the right direction so let's try again...  
  • Make 2 dinner meals, chicken casserole & taco soup
  • Post 3-5 clothing pieces on local classifieds or ebay
  • Thank you cards for LB's birthday
  • Make dental appointment
  • Brush LB's teeth!  He has 12 teeth and that is a mouthful so for the life of me I cannot figure out why I keep forgetting to make this part of the bedtime routine!  Better... and he loves it!
  • Call ob/gyn again and ask for credit check. 
  • Hang up clothes (As opposed to laying them over the hamper and telling myself I'll do it the next day.)  Obviously I listened to myself:[
  • Mail the thank you cards
  • Make 2 dinner meals- chicken & dumplings & burger sliders
  • Buy a carseat!
  • Make LB's next wellness visit appointment
  • Work on transitioning to sippy cup for the supper bottle
  • Paint magnetic square in the playroom  

Thursday, January 17, 2013

What's for dinner?

Why yes mom!  Thank you for introducing me to these yummy foods! 
grilled chicken
grilled fish
green beans
sweet potatoes
strawberry & banana yogurt
avocados (sometimes)
prunes (baby food)
pouch/squeeze fruits

What are you thinking mom?  After I spit these out, I will promptly toss them in the floor!  No thank you!   
deli meat
any kind of pasta
any other veggies besides the ones listed above
any other fruit besides banana unless it's in a pouch
Why are you frowning?  OH, these are supposed to be yummy?  These are easy to prepare you say?  Well, I do like to keep you challenged... maybe you could ask your blog friends what food(s) they think I might like! 

I can't just live off of puffs?  Please allow me to prove otherwise!