Blogging has been on the backburner here lately because somewhere around week 8, my energy level dropped to near zero and exhaustion has taken over. No wonder there is a nesting stage... it's needed to get everything back in order from doing next to nothing! Bring it on! Last week was filled with busy days at work and crashing in the evening. I have at least been attempting to read and comment on your blogs before my nightly crash.
I had five years and nine months to think about how I would treat a pregnancy... do exactly as the doctor said, eat tons of fresh fruits and veggies, only drink water, etc. Give me a Big Fat "F!" My prenatal vitamins started to bring on the gag reflex last week so I skipped two days until finally resorting to Flinstones, childhood old faithful. (I checked with the doctor- take two and add DHA, good to go!) I've developed aversion to water, seriously. I was doing so good and all of a sudden, I want anything but H2O! I still order it when we go out but I'm having way more juice and sprite than I should. The good news about my eating? I want nothing to do with sweets, unless you can count gum and an occasional piece of candy. But let's look at today and you will cringe... butter biscuit with grape jelly for breakfast, soup, sandwich and salad for lunch (not so bad), fast food fish sandwich (gross!) and fries for supper and cantaloupe and cottage cheese for an evening snack. This is the best I can do for my miracle baby? Miracle baby, by the way, has sprung a tiny little set of arms and legs that we saw yesterday on our "stalking the ob/gyn to get an ultrasound before he goes on vacation" visit. PC said he/she looked like Casper the Ghost and the ob/gyn agreed. I prefer they not refer to this precious little being as a ghost, but at least it was in reference to a friendly one!!!
The past four years, we've "ran" on Mother's Day weekend... a quick get away and time spent with each other. This year we stayed home (partly due to our depleted savings) went to church, napped and ate dinner with PC's family. My mom, grandma, and two close friends told me "Happy Mother's Day" and it just felt weird. Yes, I'm closer to being a mom than I ever have been but it still sounded like they were speaking to me in a foreign language. Surreal. At work, there were several "Happy Mother's Day" mass e-mails and my heart still hurt and it still felt like a sting. It doesn't go away. On the hormonal flip side, PC said and did absolutely nothing and I let that hurt my feelings. We're in unchartered territory and I guess I thought it would have been an appropriate day for him to at least say he was excited. The only indication PC has given me that he is excited is when he put our first ultrasound picture as the background on his cell phone, replacing a picture of his favorite president. Men just process and respond to situations differently, I should know that by now!
Hope everyone is having a great week!
2 hours ago
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So excited for this update!!! I'm sorry you've been so exhausted... sounds like your little one is using a lot of energy to grow! How cute with the arms and legs!!! Love it! Your eating habits really don't sound that bad, and my sister and Mom barely ever took prenatals.
What a mix of emotions over Mother's Day! So precious that your family wished you Happy Mother's Day! You are, after all, very much a mother!!! :) I agree... men process things so very differently. PC and Mech sound very similar... down to the presidents on the cell phone. Sheesh.
I've missed you Mac! I'm so happy your u/s went well and eat whatever you can when you can in the begining!!
Im so glad to hear an update!! CUTIE PANTS baby going and growing arms and legs like that! You have an overachiever on your hands! haha I hope your exauhstion lessens as the weeks pass. Happy for you!
Glad to to hear all is well!
Haha - I agree with the eating. I've been hit or miss on prenatals b/c of constant vomiting, and natural cheetos puffs are one of the only foods staying down. Weird.
glad to be going through this with you!
it sounds like things are going really well for you and i'm so happy to hear that. listen to your body and if it tells you to forget about blogging for a while and get some rest, do it! don't worry about us...we'll just be cyber-stalking you to get updates. ;)
Thank you for that. You have no idea how much at ease you just put my heart. I was on the verge of a meltdown. I have to wait til monday for a beta and its killing me. I so appreciate it. I am hoping to join your ship soon.
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