Thursday, January 12, 2012


I'm joining in on TVT and it's not going to be pretty, but that's the point, right?  I need it today!

Here it is... I'm feeling a little lot resentful of the differences in mommy and daddy duties.  Hormones?  Lack of sleep?  Could there be a little Lupron left in my system? 

Disclaimer:  I am loving every single minute of this sweet time with our precious miracle!  
But when PC gets home, I'm asking "can I get a bath" "can I have a minute to eat" "can I go to the bathroom." DH does all of those things and can get a haircut too!  Y'all should see my hair...both colors:[  Over the weekend, I ventured to the grocery store for 1 hour and made sure it was a time when baby would be satisfied and food was ready if not.  PC said "I'll call our niece if I need help."  I'm not sure if he was joking or not but my expression was you must be joking!  PC is a champ when it comes to diaper changes and laundry and all of my requests of "can you get this or that."  He gets up for the 5:30 diaper change and makes sure that I can get a shower in the morning before he leaves for work.  He goes to every appointment and is very much in love with this baby.  He was my hero in the hospital and through the NICU experience and I still want to post about that when I can let my mind go there again.  I shouldn't even be thought-vomiting about this, but my vision of more 50-50 baby care in the evenings just doesn't seem possible with breastfeeding.  I adore this baby, I adore my sweet PC... but I just want to be able to use the bathroom without yelling "give me one more minute" because baby is crying in the next room and I feel bad for baby and dad. 

There, TVT out.       

5 bytes:

Bridget said...

I know how you feel, it's very hard to get anything done during the day. Pretty sure I haven't showered in a couple of days (ick). Hang in there sweetie!

Stephanie said...

I'm the exact same way! I think it's just the difference between moms and dads. I will take a 5 minute shower b/c "I'm sure the baby needs me for something," while JJ doesn't even think twice about taking an hour to get ready. As soon as I get home from work I have the baby until she goes to sleep. I asked JJ for help sometimes and he thought I wanted to do it all at night b/c I was away from her during the day. True, but a little help would be nice. I guess communication is key at this point. Know you aren't alone though!

China Doll said...

I'm bracing myself for this because I know it will be an issue for us too. And our doula (in the absence of husbands) surprisingly told our class to make sure we don't pester our men for help as soon as they get home from work - we should make sure they get time to wind down first! Xx

annie said...

I feel the exact same way. I asked my husband to pleasenget up this morning around 8 so I could get dressed before he went to work.

Also, loved your boob exposure comment. There is definitely a Girls Gone Wild comparison to be made!

Jos said...

Lol, I shouldn't laugh, but this is so my world right now too. hang in there. Soon the feedings will be a little more spaced out and the daddies will be able to help out more!