Saturday morning is starting out nice with a buttery blueberry muffin and blog catching up! It's a beautiful day in the southeast. PC is outside with his iPod blasting while he works on home improvement projects. We are very lucky that our community was spared from the recent tornadoes as so many of our neighboring states were not so lucky. We have a basement with a storage area that also serves as a storm shelter and I'm glad we have it but hope we never have to use it for that reason!
In pregnancy news, we're two days away from ultrasound #2. If all goes well, it will most likely be my last appointment with the RE. I have a blog friend who was at the same point of graduating from the RE when she was given the devastating news that they couldn't find a hearbeat. Please send Angie some support. This is especially heartbreaking news in the lives of those who battle IF. Thinking about you Angie!
2 hours ago
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Looking forward to your update from ultrasound #2!!!! So exciting!!!
Same here looking forward to hearing the update!! Will be praying for health and good pictures!!!!!!!
Best of luck!
Good luck with u/s #2!!
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