Omg. The follistim pen was a piece of cake compared to Lupron. First injection this morning and it didn't go so well. I took the syringe out before turning it over and medicine sprayed out. Stress. Last night, I found conflicting instructions- one said to do 20 units and another said 10 units. I did 20 units this morning and have placed a call to the nurse to get this worked out. More stress. I kept seeing air bubbles and PC reminded me how dangerous those were. He was really sweet and trying to be helpful but... add it to the stress! That stuff really stings! Major stress! And I lay here typing this instead of getting ready for work because all that stress was followed by throwing up and almost passing out. I keep asking PC what went wrong... he said I didn't do anything wrong as far as the injection but I let the stress get the best of me.
I know... suck it up... there's a lot more to come! I'm amazed at all of the strong, amazing women who have gone through this more than once. I understand why but after one little injection I am just amazed. Can you please tell this wimp how to avoid a scenario like this every morning?
41 minutes ago
11 bytes:
That sounds horrible. But it sure is nice to start, to get the ball moving - and it moves pretty fast.
I hope the shots get better and less stressful for you.
I think after awhile I just got used to it. You will get into a routine and everything will become second nature. Don't stress- it will be ok!
you are freaking yourself out and it is understandable. deep breaths. As a nurse, yes you want the bubbles out of the syringe, but mainly because it makes the dose in accurate. If you fill the syringe with air first (20 units of air) then inject that air into the bottle followed by withdrawing the medicine (20 units) the bubbles will be minimized. I always draw out a little bit extra and after removing the needle from the vial, hold the syringe with the needle up and *twack* the top of the syringe a few times and it will make the bubbles rise and then eject the extra medicine to the proper dose (don't draw a ton extra, just like a unit).
Hope that helps :) It will get easier once you get in a routine...promise!
Like others have said, it really does get easier! I've been told that you can minimize the stinging by letting the alcohol dry up before you inject, but I was never patient enough for that. I just wanted to get it done - that - and I'm convinced that the stinging has more do to with the medication than the alcohol.
Before you know it, you'll be a pro!
Just keep remembering what this is all for and that should help with the next one!
Happy ICLW #122
It does get easier. The first time I had to give myself an injection I was pretty freaked out and nervous, but every time after that it got easier.
Jenni - ICLW #12
Hi, I'm here from ICLW. I love the name of your blog. My husband and I could also be a Mac and a PC (I've been a Mac since I was nine!)
Good luck with your injections! I have yet to do lupron, but in the day and a half that I my las IUI almost converted to IVF, I had two shots of Menopur in addition to the Gonal F pen, and I was suprised at how mouch more it stung. Hope it gets easier.
It will get better, and hey, it's not forever! We added menopur to our protocol this time, and let me tell you, it takes the cake on the injections! Stings like crazy and it's not some miniscule amount, it's like 1cc of fluid.
Hope things get easier for you, and next ICLW, we read great news!
Happy ICLW!
"amiracle4us" is spot-on with the way to get the bubbles out. Also, if you have an inch to pinch, I found it helped to pinch a roll of, um, stomach fat and inject there. But, if you really are freaked out by doing the shots yourself, there's no shame in asking hubby to step in! My husband did all my shots, from Lupron to trigger to PIO as I looked at the ceiling or into a pillow and I had only maybe two or three real "ouch" moments. Hang in there - it goes quicker than you think and you'll be just fine!
I just got your message...If I was close I would definitely help :) {on a lighter sorry what I said led to your husband being able to say 'I told you so'!! hahaha}
Hope it gets easier :) I found with my IUI injections that pinching an inch of stomach fat (as another commenter mentioned), but pinch really hard so you're concentrating on the pain of that, not the injection.
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