I drink one small cup of coffee and one glass of sweet tea each day. I can't believe eliminating these two things (with caffeine, anyway) has been such a -literal- headache. Dr. C (acupuncture) really believes caffeine steals from your overall health and I know that it will just be better for my body for the upcoming IVF. I know water has like 1000+ great effects! Sure, Coke has the ability to clean corrosion off of car batteries but for health improvement... not so much. So why can't I drink water all day, every day and like it? Why can't each glass have that "hot summer day" taste that I do enjoy? I am on a mission to be a 100% water/juice drinker with an occasional decaffeinated sweet tea or coffee through this IVF cycle and (if we are fortunate that it works) through a pregnancy. So I have filled up one of PC's cups with mostly water and a drop or two of lemon and I have a bad attitude about it and apologize for all of you "water is wonderful" people who read this. FYI- I'm envious!
P.S. So long to my birthday present from PC last year for awhile unless I can find some really good decaffeinated tea K-cups:[
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4 hours ago
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Good luck with the big switch!
I'm hooked on water so I don't have any advice - although I do like lime better than lemon in the water :) Cucumber is okay, too. I just like ice, though.
Bottoms up! :)
I drink crystal light to help with liquids in take b/c water gets old and my accup told me to avoid ice so room temp water gets really old, really quick. Not that crystal light is all natural, but I figure it's a compromise I can handle. Good luck!
I had to quit coffee and it was hard. I did read that you should do organic decaf because there are a lot of chemicals in regular decaf coffee. Just a thought!
I was never a coffee drinker, but I love, love, love Coke and I started trying to give it up last year when we were doing IUI and totally for this IVF cycle. It was really hard, but five months later, I don't miss it much. Good luck kicking the habit!
I was a die hard unsweet tea girl and cutting that out was hard!! I have found the TAZO lotus green tea is pretty fabulous though. I am a water girl but adding an orange slice (or lemon/lime) gives it a little flavor. Good luck!
Thanks to everyone for some ideas on overcoming the water woes... really I just need to get over it and think of all the good things it does for me with every sip, right? It's a work in progress:]
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