Exactly one week from today until BETA!!!
Recently, a blogger was talking about having no symptoms in the 2WW and being worried and I'm having all kinds of cramps/twinges and I'm worried! I've had period-like cramps that come and go on both sides. Some are short twinges and a few are worse than I have with AF. It is so hard to not know what's taking place in my uterus!
I called Nurse LLD about the bathroom troubles and she said it would be fine to take anything to help... Milk of Magnesium, Colace, Prunes... take my pick! Joy.
I ran out of needles for the PIO shot and had some called in to our pharmacy. They were out of the 1 1/2 inch but the pharmacist said I could get by with 1 inch so I get 1/2" less needle in my backside now, small victory:] PC is still doing a good job with the injection but it freaks him out every time. He has sympathy pains, which I must admit is pretty sweet.
MIL cooked dinner for us last night (crumble chicken) and SIL is cooking for us tonight (spaghetti). I have the best in-laws, I'm so thankful. Hoping they get to be grandparents and an aunt and uncle soon... if I'm getting the royal treatment for trying to get pregnant, I envision much more crumble chicken and spaghetti in the future if I am pregnant! Do you hear that embryos?
Yesterday I could not get enough salty (like olives) or sour (like lemon drops). Not saying that these are cravings, just can't figure out where I'm making diet mistakes so that my body needs sodium and I have no idea about the lemon drops!?! Let's just blame anything and everything on progesterone at this point!
This morning, I traveled back to the RE for a progesterone check. Waiting on them to call me back, but hoping that it's on track so that I don't have to add more PIO!
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